首页> 外文期刊>The Open Ophthalmology Journal >Topical Cyclosporine (0.05%) for Management of Dry Eyes in Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery-A Comparative Study

Topical Cyclosporine (0.05%) for Management of Dry Eyes in Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery-A Comparative Study




Purpose: To assess the efficacy of topical cyclosporine 0.05% in the management of cataract surgery induced dry eye. Methods: This prospective, comparative, randomized, interventional study included 67 patients undergoing cataract surgery. The patients were randomized into three categories Group A: patients on topical lubricants and cyclosporine 0.05%, Group B: patients on topical lubricants only and Group C: patients not on any dry eye medication. Patients were given the respective treatment 2 weeks prior and 3 months after cataract surgery, along with an identical perioperative regimen of topical steroids, antibiotics and NSAIDs. Dry eye evaluation done 2 weeks pre-op, 1 week post-op and 3 months post-op consisted of a subjective questionnaire, tear osmolarity, Tear Break Up Time (TBUT) and Schirmer’s 1 without and with anaesthesia. Results: Pre-operatively, all the 3 groups were matched in terms of mean age, tear osmolarity, TBUT and Schirmer’s 1 without and with anaesthesia scores. At 3 months, patients treated with both topical lubricants and cyclosporine (0.05%)(Group A) showed improvement subjective questionnaire, tear osmolarity, TBUT and Schirmer’s 1 tests. Patients treated with lubricants only (Group B) showed a significant worsening in TBUT and tear osmolarity at 1 week, however, the values returned to baseline at 3 months.The control group (Group C) had the worst TBUT scores at the end of 3 months and showed the persistence of raised tear osmolarity, suggestive of a prolonged ocular inflammation resulting in patient dissatisfaction. Conclusion: Topical cyclosporine (0.05%) may be a useful adjuvant to prevent and treat cataract surgery associated with dry eye symptoms, especially in patients with pre-existing dry eye disease.
机译:目的:评估局部用0.05%环孢菌素治疗白内障手术引起的干眼症的疗效。方法:这项前瞻性,比较,随机,干预性研究纳入了67名接受白内障手术的患者。将患者随机分为三类:A组:使用局部润滑剂和0.05%环孢素的患者,B组:仅使用局部润滑剂的患者,C组:未使用任何干眼药的患者。在白内障手术前2周和术后3个月,分别给予患者相应的治疗,以及相同的围手术期局部使用类固醇,抗生素和NSAID。手术前2周,手术后1周和手术后3个月进行的干眼评估包括主观问卷,泪液渗透压,泪液破裂时间(TBUT)和Schirmer's 1,无麻醉和有麻醉。结果:术前,所有3组患者的平均年龄,泪液渗透压,TBUT和Schirmer's 1均匹配且无麻醉分数和麻醉分数。在3个月时,同时使用局部润滑剂和环孢素(0.05%)(A组)的患者表现出改善的主观问卷,泪液渗透压,TBUT和Schirmer的1试验。仅使用润滑剂治疗的患者(B组)在1周时TBUT和泪液渗透压显着恶化,但是在3个月时恢复到基线水平。对照组(C组)在3月末的TBUT评分最差数月,并表现出持续的泪液渗透压升高,提示长时间的眼部炎症导致患者不满意。结论:外用环孢素(0.05%)可能是预防和治疗与干眼症状有关的白内障手术的有用佐剂,尤其是对于已存在干眼病的患者。



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