
More House Calls by Fewer Physicians




id="p1">Before World War II 40% of patient visits were conducted in the home.id="xref-ref-1-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-1">1 Since then the number of house calls by physicians had been decreasing until 1998 when payment restructuring improved reimbursement. As the article by Peterson et alid="xref-ref-2-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-2">2 points out, the number of patients receiving house calls has increased in recent years, yet the number of physicians making house calls has decreased. This may be related to stagnant reimbursements and increasing overhead costs, requiring physicians to see more patients in the clinic with greater “efficiency.” Home visits take more time including driving or “windshield time” and performing activities that are routinely done by office staff such as measuring vital signs, uncovering dressings, and drawing blood for laboratory tests. On the other hand, home visits can be conducted with little overhead if providers are added to an already full practice or, as it has become the business model for some practices, provide house calls exclusively. This may explain Peterson et al'sid="xref-ref-2-2" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-2">2 finding that increasing availability of physicians and some providers being designated as “housecall physicians” by their group practice or in their town. Some physicians provide house calls and nursing home care solely with the motto: “have laptop and cell phone, will travel.” Such a practice model allows more flexibility, which may be attractive to women with small children. Peterson et al'id="xref-ref-2-3" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-2">2 showed that increasingly more physicians making house calls are women and most recently, in 2006, more than half of providers are female, although the number of house calls made by women physicians is lower than that made by men. id="p-2">As accountable care organizations will manage population health along with its risks, house calls will become increasingly more important. House calls will eliminate ambulance transportation costs to physician offices, which are currently born by Medicaid for eligible patients. By identifying an average of 1.7 new problems compared to a thorough geriatric assessment,id="xref-ref-3-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-3">3 house calls may prevent future problems and improve quality of care. Improved quality, affordability, and patient experience have been shown in the “hospital-at-home” program,id="xref-ref-4-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-4">4,id="xref-ref-5-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-5">5 where patients requiring hospitalization for problems such as pneumonia, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or cellulitis are managed at home with daily physician visits, intensive nursing coverage, and other services. More than 9 house calls to a patient have been shown to reduce nursing home admissions, functional decline, and mortality.id="xref-ref-6-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-6">6 A recent studyid="xref-ref-7-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-7">7 of patients enrolled in a house call program for 1 year showed a 40% reduction of hospitalization and 38% shorter length of stay compared with the prior year. In contrast to consultation, the benefits appear to be due to repeated follow-up, a strength of family medicine.id="xref-ref-6-2" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-6">6 The implementation of portable diagnostic devices has been thwarted in some settings by the competing interests of hospitals, as in the case of calibrating laboratory test devices. This competition for scarce fee-for-service Medicare dollars would be eliminated by accountable care organizations. id="p-3">Family medicine residency education requires home visits to a minimum of 2 patients but the requirements are not more specific. Our colleagues in internal medicine are not required to do home visits during their residency education, but a program director survey shows that two thirds included instruction in home care consisting of house calls, lectures, or both.id="xref-ref-7-2" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-7">7 House call experiences vary widely and it is not known if greater exposure during training translates into more home visits in practice.
机译:id =“ p1”>在第二次世界大战之前,有40%的患者来访是在家里进行的。 id =“ xref-ref-1-1” class =“ xref-bibr” href =“# ref-1“> 1 从那时起,直到1998年付款重组改善了报销额之后,内科医生的家访电话一直在减少。正如Peterson等人的文章 id="xref-ref-2-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-2"> 2 指出的那样,近年来接听房屋电话的患者数量有所增加,但拨打房屋电话的医生数量却有所减少。这可能与停滞的报销和增加的间接费用有关,要求医生以更高的“效率”在诊所看更多的患者。上门拜访会花费更多时间,包括开车或“挡风玻璃时间”,以及执行办公室工作人员日常执行的活动,例如测量生命体征,发现敷料和抽血以进行实验室检查。另一方面,如果将提供者添加到已经充分的实践中,或者由于已经成为某些实践的商业模型,则仅提供内部呼叫,就可以以很少的开销进行家访。这可以解释Peterson等人的 id="xref-ref-2-2" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-2"> 2 发现医生的可用性以及一些提供者被他们的团体执业或所在镇指定为“自家诊治医生”。一些医生仅以座右铭为家上电话和养老院护理服务:“拥有笔记本电脑和手机,可以旅行。”这种做法模型具有更大的灵活性,这对于有小孩的妇女可能是有吸引力的。 Peterson等人的 id="xref-ref-2-3" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-2"> 2 表明,越来越多的医生做家务的是女性,最近一次是在2006年,虽然女医生做家务的人数要少于男性,但提供服务的女性中有一半以上是女性。 id =“ p-2”>随着负责任的护理组织将管理人口健康及其风险,上门求诊将变得越来越重要。上门服务将消除将救护车运送到医师办公室的费用,而后者目前由Medicaid为合格的患者负担。与全面的老年医学评估相比,通过平均识别出1.7个新问题, id="xref-ref-3-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-3"> 3 上门服务可以防止将来出现问题并提高护理质量。 “医院在家”程序已显示出更高的质量,可负担性和患者体验, id =“ xref-ref-4-1” class =“ xref-bibr” href =“#ref -4“> 4 ,id="xref-ref-5-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-5"> 5 对于因肺炎,充血性心力衰竭,慢性阻塞性肺疾病或蜂窝织炎等问题而需要住院治疗的患者,每天在家看医生,加强护理覆盖范围以及其他服务即可在家中处理。已显示对患者的9次以上的上门服务可以减少疗养院的入院次数,功能下降和死亡率。 id =“ xref-ref-6-1” class =“ xref-bibr” href =“# ref-6“> 6 最近的研究 id="xref-ref-7-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-7"> 7 参加了1年房屋呼叫计划的患者与上一年相比,住院治疗减少了40%,住院时间缩短了38%。与咨询相反,好处似乎是由于重复随访,这是家庭医学的优势。 id =“ xref-ref-6-2” class =“ xref-bibr” href =“# ref-6“> 6 在某些情况下,医院的竞争利益阻碍了便携式诊断设备的实施,例如在校准实验室测试设备时。负责任的护理组织将消除对稀缺的按需付费医疗保险的竞争。 id =“ p-3”>家庭医学住院医师教育要求至少有2位患者进行家访,但要求并不具体。我们的内科医学同仁无需在居所接受教育期间进行家访,但一项计划主管调查显示,三分之二的人在家中护理的内容包括上门拜访,讲课或同时进行。 id =“ xref -ref-7-2“ class =” xref-bibr“ href =”#ref-7“> 7 内部通话的经历千差万别,尚不清楚培训期间的更多接触是否会转化为更多实践中的家访。



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