首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice >How Much Shared Decision Making Occurs in Usual Primary Care of Depression?

How Much Shared Decision Making Occurs in Usual Primary Care of Depression?




id="sec-1" class="subsection"> id="p-1">Background: Shared decision making (SDM) is an important component of patient-centered care, but there is little information about its use in the primary care of depression, so we sought to study its frequency in usual care as reported by patients. id="sec-2" class="subsection"> id="p-2">Methods: Telephone interview of 1168 depressed patients taking antidepressants in 88 Minnesota primary care clinics who were identified from pharmacy claims data soon after a prescription for an antidepressant. We measured depression severity with the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire and used a composite measure of SDM that reflected patient involvement in treatment decisions. id="sec-3" class="subsection"> id="p-3">Results: These patients reported an average score for SDM of 50.7 (standard deviation, 32.8) on a scale of 0 to 100, where higher scores equate with greater SDM. In univariate analyses, the largest differences among scores were for age (scores of 58, 53, 45, and 33 for those aged 18–34, 35–49, 50–64, and 64 years, respectively; P .0001); duration of treatment (a score of 56.6 on treatment 6 weeks vs 45.5 if longer; P .001); and other treatments in the past 6 months (60.5 if yes vs. 46.0 if no; P = .001). SDM was not associated with any clinic characteristics, but it was correlated with patient-reported quality of care (r = 0.48; P .001). Multivariate analyses confirmed some of these findings while showing a more complex set of relationships. id="sec-4" class="subsection"> id="p-4">Conclusions: Older patients with depression and those who have been in treatment longer report much less SDM in their care. Improving SDM, especially for these groups, may be an important target for improving patient experience and perceived quality.
机译:id =“ sec-1” class =“ subsection”> id =“ p-1”> 背景:共享决策(SDM)是以患者为中心的护理的重要组成部分,但是关于其在抑郁症初级保健中的使用的信息很少,因此我们试图研究患者报告的在常规护理中其使用的频率。 id =“ sec-2” class =“ subsection”> id =“ p-2”> 方法:电话采访了1168名服用抗抑郁药的抑郁症患者在明尼苏达州的88家初级保健诊所中,他们在服用抗抑郁药后不久就从药房索赔数据中识别出来。我们通过9个项目的患者健康调查表测量了抑郁症的严重程度,并使用了SDM的综合指标来反映患者对治疗决策的参与。 id =“ sec-3” class =“ subsection”> id =“ p-3”> 结果:这些患者报告了SDM的平均评分得分为50.7(标准偏差为32.8),评分范围为0到100,其中较高的分数等于较高的SDM。在单变量分析中,得分之间的最大差异是年龄(年龄在18-34岁,35-49岁,50-64岁和> 64岁的人分别得分58、53、45和33; P < / em> <.0001);治疗持续时间(<6周治疗得分为56.6,如果更长则为45.5; P <.001);以及过去6个月内的其他治疗方法(如果是,则为60.5,否则为46.0; P = .001)。 SDM与任何临床特征均不相关,但与患者报告的护理质量相关( r = 0.48; P <.001)。多变量分析证实了其中一些发现,同时显示出一组更复杂的关系。 id =“ sec-4” class =“ subsection”> id =“ p-4”> 结论:患有抑郁症的老年患者和患有抑郁症的患者接受治疗的时间越长,他们的SDM护理就越少。尤其对于这些人群而言,改善SDM可能是改善患者体验和感知质量的重要目标。



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