首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice >Increasing Access to Care for Brazos Valley, Texas: A Rural Community of Solution

Increasing Access to Care for Brazos Valley, Texas: A Rural Community of Solution




id="p-1">Compared with their urban counterparts, rural populations face substantial disparities in terms of health care and health outcomes, particularly with regard to access to health services. To address ongoing inequities, community perspectives are increasingly important in identifying health issues and developing local solutions that are effective and sustainable. This article has been developed by both academic and community representatives and presents a brief case study of the evolution of a regional community of solution (COS) servicing a 7-county region called the Brazos Valley, Texas. The regional COS gave rise to multiple, more localized COSs that implemented similar strategies designed to address access to care within rural communities. The regional COS, known as the Brazos Valley Health Partnership, was a result of a 2002 health status assessment that revealed that rural residents face poorer access to health services and their care is often fragmented. Their localized strategy, called a health resource center, was created as a “one-stop shop” where multiple health and social service providers could be housed to deliver services to rural residents. Initially piloted in Madison County, the resource center model was expanded into Burleson, Grimes, and Leon Counties because of community buy-in at each of these sites. The resource center concept allowed service providers, who previously were able to offer services only in more populous areas, to expand into the rural communities because of reduced overhead costs. The services provided at the health resource centers include transportation, information and referral, and case management along with others, depending on the location. To ensure successful ongoing operations and future planning of the resource centers, local oversight bodies known as health resource commissions were organized within each of the rural communities to represent local COSs. Through collaboration with local entities, these partnerships have been successful in continuing to expand services and initiating health improvements within their rural communities.
机译:id =“ p-1”>与城市居民相比,农村人口在卫生保健和卫生成果方面,特别是在获得卫生服务方面面临巨大差距。为了解决持续存在的不平等现象,社区观点对于识别健康问题和制定有效且可持续的本地解决方案变得越来越重要。本文由学术界和社区代表共同撰写,并提供了一个简短的案例研究,介绍了为德克萨斯州的布拉索斯山谷(Brazos Valley)等7个县服务的区域解决方案社区(COS)的发展。区域性COS产生了多个更本地化的COS,它们实施了旨在解决农村社区内获得医疗服务的类似策略。区域性COS被称为Brazos谷健康合作伙伴关系,是2002年健康状况评估的结果,该评估表明农村居民获得卫生服务的机会较差,他们的护理常常分散。他们的本地化策略称为健康资源中心,创建为“一站式服务”,可以在此安置多个健康和社会服务提供商,为农村居民提供服务。最初在麦迪逊县进行试点,由于每个站点的社区支持,资源中心模型已扩展到Burleson,Grimes和Leon县。资源中心的概念允许以前只能在人口稠密地区提供服务的服务提供商由于降低的间接费用而扩展到农村社区。卫生资源中心提供的服务包括运输,信息和转诊以及病例管理以及其他服务,具体取决于位置。为了确保资源中心的成功运作和未来计划,在每个农村社区内都组织了称为卫生资源委员会的地方监督机构,代表地方COS。通过与当地实体的合作,这些伙伴关系在继续扩大服务范围并在其农村社区内促进健康方面取得了成功。



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