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Impact of Life Habits on Colorectal Cancer




Objective: to assess the relationship between different colorectal cancer (CC) risk factors in the province of Albacete,Spain.Subjects And Methods: the study was designed to be population-based, observational, analytical, descriptive and crosssectionaland used a questionnaire. The study area included the Primary Care Health Centres in the province of Albacete.We compared two previously assessed areas, one with a high CC incidence and the other with a low CC incidence, alongwith the factors that could influence these differences. We used a questionnaire to collect personal and consumer habitdata in relation to CC. We did bivariate and multivariate (logistic regression) statistical analyses.The predictor variables considered in this model were age, gender, body mass index (BMI), level of education, intensityof physical activity, presence or absence of a disease, smoking habit (packs per year), alcohol intake, number of defecationsper week, being on a diet, intake frequencies (IF) of pasta and rice, IF of eggs or omelette, IF of white fish, IF ofblue fish, IF of pulses, IF of vegetables and salads, fruit, cold meats, meat, water intake and relatives with cancer. Results: The high CC incidence areas presented an incidence between 26.9 and 30.2 cases per 100,000 citizens per year,while the rates of the low incidence areas were between 5.1 and 6.5. A total of 417 people participated (56.8% women), ofwhom 245 (58.8%) came from the low CC incidence area (41.2% men) and 172 (41.2%) were from the high CC incidencearea (45.9% men). After adjusting the model in the logistic regression analysis, the variables related to high cancer incidencewere alcohol intake, odds ratio (OR) 1,79 (CI: 1.8-2.96; P=0.024 eating eating pasta and rice more than two daysper week: OR 2.23 (CI: 1.33-3.72; P=0.002); eating eggs and/or omelette more than two days per week: OR 2.68 (CI:1.49-4.80; P=0.001), and drinking more than two litres of water per day: OR 2.87 (CI: 1.51-5.46; P=0.001. Frequentphysical exercise related with a low CC incidence: OR 3.38 (CI: 1.30-8.84; P=0.013).Conclusions: In this study, the highest CC incidence is associated with alcohol intake and a high intake of water, pasta andrice, and eggs. Doing physical exercise regularly has a protective effect.
机译:目的:评估西班牙阿尔巴塞特省不同结直肠癌(CC)危险因素之间的关系。研究对象和方法:本研究以人群,观察,分析,描述性和横断面为基础,并使用问卷调查。研究区域包括阿尔瓦塞特省的初级保健中心。我们比较了先前评估过的两个区域,一个区域的CC发生率高,另一个区域的CC发生率低,以及可能影响这些差异的因素。我们使用问卷调查收集与CC相关的个人和消费者习惯数据。我们进行了双变量和多变量(logistic回归)统计分析。该模型中考虑的预测变量包括年龄,性别,体重指数(BMI),教育程度,体育活动强度,是否存在疾病,吸烟习惯(包装)每年),酒精摄入量,饮食中每周排便次数,意大利面和大米的摄入频率(IF),鸡蛋或煎蛋的中频,白色鱼的中频,蓝鱼的中频,豆类的中频,蔬菜的中频和沙拉,水果,冷肉,肉,水摄入量以及患有癌症的亲戚。结果:CC高发地区的发病率在每年每10万人中26.9到30.2例,而低发地区的发病率在5.1到6.5之间。共有417人参加(56.8%的女性),其中245人(占58.8%)来自低CC发病率地区(男性41.2%),而172人(占41.2%)来自CC高发病率地区(男性45.9%)。在逻辑回归分析中调整模型后,与高癌症发生率相关的变量为酒精摄入,优势比(OR)1,79(CI:1.8-2.96; P = 0.024,每周吃面食和米饭超过两天:OR 2.23(CI:1.33-3.72; P = 0.002);每周吃鸡蛋和/或煎蛋超过两天:或2.68(CI:1.49-4.80; P = 0.001),每天喝超过两升水:OR 2.87(CI:1.51-5.46; P = 0.001。频繁的体育锻炼与低CC发生率相关:OR 3.38(CI:1.30-8.84; P = 0.013)。结论:在这项研究中,最高CC发生率与酒精摄入以及大量水,面食,米粉和鸡蛋的摄入定期进行体育锻炼具有保护作用。



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