首页> 外文期刊>The Korean Journal of Parasitology >Infection status with trematode metacercariae in the fresh-water fish from Chunamchosuchi (pond), Uichang-gun, Kyongsangnam-do, Korea

Infection status with trematode metacercariae in the fresh-water fish from Chunamchosuchi (pond), Uichang-gun, Kyongsangnam-do, Korea




The present study was performed to analyze the infection status of trematode metacercariae in fishes caught from Chunamchosuchi (pond) located in Uichang-gun, Kyongsangnam-do. A total of 130 freshwater fish of 5 species was collected by a fish net and fish traps from November, 1995 to May, 1996. They were examined under a stereomicroscope after artificial digestion with pepsin-HCl solution. A total of 8 species of metacercaria, i.e. Clonorchis sinensis, Echinochasmus japonicus, Cyathocotyle orientalis, Diplostomum sp., Metorchis orientalis, Holostephanus nipponicus, Exorchis oviformis and unidentified echinostome, was detected from them. The metacercariae of C. sinenesis were found in 8/20 (40.0%) Acanthorhodeus asmussi, 20/20 (100%) Culter brevicauda, 31/45 (68.9) Cultriculus eigenmanni and 21/25 (84.0%) Pseudorasbora parva, and the average number of metacercariae detected in each fish species were 1.9, 31.7, 15.3, and 73.0. From the above results, it was confirmed that fresh-water fishes from Chunamchosuchi (pond) were highly infected with metacercariae of avian trematode, i.e. C. orientalis, H. nipponicus, M. orientalis, E. japonicus and Diplostomum sp., and 4 species of fish, P. parva, C. brevicauda, C. eigenmanni and A. asmussi, were infected with metacaecariae of C. sinensis.
机译:本研究旨在分析庆尚南道Uichang郡Chunamchosuchi(池塘)捕获的鱼类中meta尾吸虫的感染状况。 1995年11月至1996年5月,通过鱼网和诱捕器共收集了130种5种淡水鱼。用胃蛋白酶-盐酸溶液人工消化后,用体视显微镜对其进行了检查。从中检出总共8种meta尾of,即中华支睾吸虫,日本棘皮,、东方C子,双翅目,东方Metorchis,东方细齿H,牛卵菌和未鉴定的棘皮动物。在8/20(40.0%)的棘木,20/20(100%)的Culter brevicauda,31/45(68.9)的Cultriculus eigenmanni和21/25(84.0%)的假单胞菌中发现了中华假丝酵母的尾C.在每种鱼类中检测到的meta尾平均数量为1.9、31.7、15.3和73.0。从以上结果可以确认,来自Chunamchosuchi(池塘)的淡水鱼受到了禽吸虫的meta虫的高度感染,即东方侧柏,H。nipponicus,东方侧柏,E。japonicus和Diplostomum sp。,以及4鱼的种,P。parva,C。brevicauda,C。eigenmanni和A. asmussi,都感染了中华C的meta虫。



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