首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science >The Effects of Xylazine on Intrauterine Pressure, Uterine Blood Flow, Maternal and Fetal Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function in Pregnant Goats

The Effects of Xylazine on Intrauterine Pressure, Uterine Blood Flow, Maternal and Fetal Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function in Pregnant Goats




References(14) Cited-By(8) To investigate the effects of xylazine on pregnant goats, xylazine induced changes in heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure (ABP) and arterial blood pH and gases in the mother and fetus, as well as changes in intrauterine pressure (IUP) and uterine blood flow (UBF), were studied using a chronic preparation model of pregnant goats. Intramuscular administration of xylazine (0.2 mg/kg b.w.) caused a marked decrease in HR and ABP of the mother, which remained significantly reduced up to 120 min. In the fetus, a significant decrease in HR and a significant increase in ABP were recorded after only 5 min. Significant decreases of maternal arterial blood pH and oxygen partial pressure (Po2) were observed up to 120 and 30 min after the injection, respectively. Fetal arterial blood pH and Po2 also decreased, but these changes were milder and less persistent than those of the mother. Within 2 to 5 min after the administration of xylazine, IUP began to increase and remained high for about 15 min. Thereafter, there was a frequent periodic increase in IUP. After 5 min, UBF decreased significantly and remained low up to 120 min. A fall in UBF was associated with a rise in IUP. These findings suggested that administration of xylazine to pregnant goats results in a decrease in UBF arising from the induction of uterine contractions, a decrease in circulating blood volume, hypoxemia and acidosis in the mother.
机译:参考文献(14)Cited-By(8)为了研究甲苯噻嗪对怀孕山羊的影响,噻嗪诱导的母亲和胎儿心率(HR),动脉血压(ABP)以及动脉血pH和气体的变化子宫内压(IUP)和子宫血流量(UBF)的变化,是使用怀孕山羊的慢性制备模型研究的。肌肉注射赛拉嗪(0.2 mg / kg体重)导致母亲的HR和ABP明显降低,直至120分钟仍显着降低。在胎儿中,仅5分钟后记录到HR显着下降和ABP显着增加。分别在注射后120分钟和30分钟内观察到母亲动脉血pH和氧分压(Po2)显着下降。胎儿动脉血的pH值和Po2也降低了,但是这些变化比母亲的变化更温和,持久性更小。服用赛拉嗪后2至5分钟内,IUP开始升高并保持高位约15分钟。此后,IUP频繁地周期性增加。 5分钟后,UBF显着下降,直至120分钟仍保持较低水平。 UBF下降与IUP升高有关。这些发现表明,对怀孕的山羊服用赛拉嗪会导致子宫收缩引起的UBF降低,母亲的循环血容量降低,低氧血症和酸中毒。



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