首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science >Detection of Serum Antibodies in Eimeria tenella-Infected Chickens by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) with Merozoite and Oocyst Antigens

Detection of Serum Antibodies in Eimeria tenella-Infected Chickens by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) with Merozoite and Oocyst Antigens




References(24) Cited-By(3) Soluble antigens prepared from sporulated oocysts and second generation merozoites of E. tenella were used for enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to investigate antibody in sera of two breeds of chickens, i.e. commercial broilers and SPF single comb white leghorn layers, which were experimentally infected with E. tenella. In broilers inoculated with oocysts at 15 days of age, ELISA values increased rapidly after day 19 post inoculation (PI) and reached the maximum lebel on days 29 and 32 PI against both merozoite and oocyst antigens. The values against merozoite antigen were significantly higher than those against oocyst antigen. In SPF layers infected at 15 days of age, the values increased gradually after 7 days PI. There were no significant differences between values against two antigens. Generally, thc values in broilers tended to be higher than those in SPF layers, especially against merozoite antigen. In broilers inoculated with oocysts at 1 and 15 days of age, ELISA values increased rapidly and reached the maximum level on days 11 and 20 post second inoculation (PSI) against merozoite and oocyst antigens respectively and then the values against merozoite antigen decreased. The values against merozoite antigen were markedly higher than those against oocyst antigen. In SPF layers inoculated twice, the values reached the highest on day 11 PSI as in the case of broiler; however, after that day, the values against both antigens decreased. The sera reacted similarly against both antigens. The values against merozoite antigdn were significantly higher in broilers than in SPF layers. The values of maternal antibodies wdre combaratiVely high in broiler chicks and decreased gradually with the age of bird to the negligible level at 10 days of age.
机译:参考文献(24)被引用的By(3)从孢子虫卵囊和第二代裂殖子制备的可溶性抗原用于酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA),以研究两种鸡,即商品肉鸡和SPF的血清中的抗体单梳白色来亨鸡层,通过实验感染了大肠杆菌。在15天龄接种了卵囊的肉鸡中,ELISA值在接种后第19天(PI)后迅速增加,并在第29天和第32天针对裂殖子和卵囊抗原均达到最大水平。抗裂殖子抗原的值显着高于抗卵囊抗原的值。在15日龄感染的SPF层中,PI 7天后该值逐渐增加。两种抗原的值之间没有显着差异。通常,肉鸡的thc值往往高于SPF蛋鸡的thc值,尤其是对裂殖子抗原而言。在接种了1和15天卵囊的肉鸡中,ELISA值迅速增加,分别在第二次接种(PSI)裂殖子抗原和卵囊抗原后第11天和第20天达到最大值,然后抗裂殖子抗原的值下降。抗裂殖子抗原的值明显高于抗卵囊抗原的值。在SPF层接种两次后,该值在第11天PSI达到最高,如肉鸡一样;然而,在那一天之后,针对两种抗原的值均下降。血清对两种抗原的反应相似。肉仔鸡中抗裂殖子抗gdn的值显着高于SPF层。母鸡抗体的抗体水平总体较高,随着鸡龄的增长逐渐降低,到10天时可忽略不计。



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