首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of general physiology >The Effect of Light on the Geotropic Responses of Phycomyces Sporangiophores

The Effect of Light on the Geotropic Responses of Phycomyces Sporangiophores




The geotropic responses of Phycomyces sporangiophores were studied under varying intensities of illumination, using a low speed centrifuge and a fixed beam of blue light. This light has a strongly inhibitory effect on the transient geotropic response, reducing it to 36 per cent of its magnitude in darkness. The inhibition does not vary systematically with light intensity over a range of 400-fold. The light sensitivity of the transient geotropic response thus differs from the light-growth response system, which shows the same growth rate in light and darkness. By contrast, the slower long term geotropic response is enhanced by light of moderate intensities, but is strongly inhibited by high intensities. At and above a mean intensity of about 1 μw/cm2, the long term response is completely removed. If the intensity is lowered from an inhibitory level, either to darkness or to a low level, the geotropic response appears after a time lag of 20 minutes. Furthermore an increase in intensity from one level to another, both levels normally enhancing, results in a transient reversal in the long term geotropic response, also after a time lag of 20 minutes. Thus it is suggested that light is acting at some intermediate step in the long term geotropic sensory system, a step that normally requires 20 minutes for completion.
机译:使用低速离心机和固定的蓝光,在变化的光照强度下研究了芽孢杆菌的地向性响应。这种光对瞬态的地磁响应具有强烈的抑制作用,在黑暗中将其降低到其幅度的36%。抑制不会随光强度在400倍范围内发生系统变化。因此,瞬态地磁响应的光敏度不同于光增长响应系统,该系统在明暗中显示出相同的增长率。相比之下,中等强度的光增强了较慢的长期地磁响应,但强度高的抑制了强烈的抑制。在平均强度约为1μw/ cm2或更高时,长期响应被完全消除。如果强度从抑制水平降低到黑暗或低水平,则在20分钟的时间延迟后将出现地磁响应。此外,强度从一个级别增加到另一个级别(通常两个级别都增强)会导致长期的地磁响应的短暂逆转,也需要20分钟的时间间隔。因此,建议光在长期的地感系统中处于某个中间步骤,该步骤通常需要20分钟才能完成。



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