首页> 外文期刊>The journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism >Human Labor Is Associated with Reduced Decidual Cell Expression of Progesterone, But Not Glucocorticoid, Receptors

Human Labor Is Associated with Reduced Decidual Cell Expression of Progesterone, But Not Glucocorticoid, Receptors




Context: Unchanging plasma progesterone (P4) levels suggest that human labor is initiated by reduced P4 receptor (PR) expression, which elicits functional P4 withdrawal. The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is also implicated in this process.Objective: Our objective was to compare PR and GR staining in human decidual cells (DCs) and interstitial trophoblasts (ITs) of gestational age-matched pre- and postcontraction specimens and to evaluate steroid effects on PR and GR expression in human DC cultures.Interventions and Main Outcome Measures: Decidua basalis and parietalis sections were immunostained for PR or GR and then for the cytoplasmic DC and IT markers vimentin and cytokeratin. Western blotting measured PR and GR levels in nuclear extracts of cultured leukocyte-free term DCs after incubation with estradiol-17β (E2) with or without medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA).Results: PR histological scores (HSCOREs) were significantly higher in DC nuclei from pre- vs. post-uterine-contraction decidua basalis and parietalis sections with PR immunostaining absent from ITs. In contrast, immunoreactive GR was localized in IT and DC nuclei. GR HSCORES were significantly higher in ITs than DCs but similar in pre- vs. post-uterine-contraction specimens. In term DC monolayers, PR-A and PR-B were enhanced by E2 and inhibited by MPA, whereas E2 plus MPA produced intermediate PR expression. The GR was constitutively expressed.Conclusions: In post- vs. pre-uterine-contraction specimens, significantly lower HSCOREs in DC nuclei, but not IT, and unchanging GR levels in DCs and ITs suggest that functional P4 withdrawal may occur in DCs and is unlikely to involve the GR. Nuclear extracts from DC monolayer cultures express steroid-regulated PR-A and PR-B and constitutive GR.
机译:背景:血浆孕酮(P4)水平不变表明,人工劳动是由P4受体(PR)的表达降低引起的,P4受体的表达会引起P4的功能性撤退。糖皮质激素受体(GR)也与这一过程有关。目的:我们的目的是比较胎龄匹配的收缩前和收缩后标本的人蜕膜细胞(DCs)和间质滋养层细胞(ITs)中的PR和GR染色,并进行评估干预措施和主要结局指标:对基础蜕膜和顶叶切片进行PR或GR免疫染色,然后对细胞质DC和IT标记波形蛋白和细胞角蛋白进行免疫染色。 Western印迹法检测了在有或没有乙酸甲羟孕酮(MPA)的雌二醇17β(E2)孵育后培养的无白细胞足月DC核提取物中的PR和GR水平。结果:子宫收缩前和子宫收缩后蜕膜和顶叶的切片均未进行IT的PR免疫染色。相反,免疫反应性GR位于IT和DC核中。 IT部门的GR HSCORES显着高于DC,但子宫收缩前后的样本与DC相似。在DC单层中,PR-A和PR-B被E2增强并被MPA抑制,而E2和MPA产生中间PR表达。结论:在子宫收缩后和子宫收缩前的标本中,DC核中的HSCORE显着降低,而IT则没有,并且DC和IT中GR的水平不变表明在DC中可能发生功能性P4撤回,并且不太可能涉及GR。 DC单层培养物的核提取物表达类固醇调节的PR-A和PR-B以及组成型GR。



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