首页> 外文期刊>The journal of headache and pain >P072. The visual cortical excitability in pediatric migraine as tested by sound-induced flash illusions

P072. The visual cortical excitability in pediatric migraine as tested by sound-induced flash illusions




Sound-induced flash illusions (SIFI) depend on visual cortex (V1) excitability[1]. In adults with migraine, in response to visual-acoustic illusions, V1 is hyperexcitable[2]. Susceptibility to SIFI is increased in children than adults. During childhood there is a change in sensory dominance: acoustic dominant switching to a visual[3]. Here we used SIFI to evaluate V1 excitability in children with migraine assessing also age-related differences in cross-modal audio-visual perception. Twelve children (7 females) affected by migraine without aura: mean age: 10.17卤2.76 years, disease duration: 2.91卤2.34 years and frequency of attacks: 4.17卤3.76/months. Fifteen healthy children (11 females), mean age 10.61卤2.92 years and twenty-four healthy adults (12 females), mean age 25.12卤5.74 years with no familiarity for migraine. All subjects were not taking any drugs known to affect cortical excitability. Migraineurs were examined interictally. Visual (flash) and sound (beep) stimuli were presented with different combinations: multiple flash trials where a single beep caused the perception of less flashes, 鈥渇usion illusions鈥?and trial where multiple beeps with single flash, induced perception of more flashes, 鈥渇ission illusion鈥? Each combination was randomly presented 10 times. At the end of each presentation the subject had to indicate the number of the flashes seen. Children saw more illusions than adults (fusions p < .005, fissions p < .00001). Children with migraine did not differ from age matched controls in the illusory percept of fission or fusion, but they perceived more flashes (p < .05) in multiple flash trials with or without beep. The increased number of SIFI seen by children is likely due to the higher propensity of visual stimulation driven by auditory stimulus, probably because of acoustic dominance typical for the age. Even if no differences in fission or fusion illusory percept between controls and patients emerged, the increased ability of migraine children to perceive flashes, even outside migraine attack, reveals a hyper-functional visual cortex in migraine also in pediatric age. The sound-induced flash illusions proved to be a valid tool for testing the visual cortical responsivity in pediatric migraine. Written informed consent to publication was obtained from the patient(s).
机译:声音诱发的幻觉(SIFI)取决于视觉皮层(V1)的兴奋性[1]。在患有偏头痛的成人中,对视觉听觉错觉的响应,V1是过度兴奋的[2]。儿童中SIFI的易感性比成人增加。在儿童时期,感觉优势发生了变化:声学主导切换为视觉[3]。在这里,我们使用SIFI评估偏头痛儿童的V1兴奋性,并评估与年龄有关的跨模态视听感知差异。受偏头痛影响的十二名儿童(7名女性):平均年龄:10.17±2.76岁,病程:2.91±2.34岁,发作频率:4.17±3.76 /月。 15名健康儿童(11名女性),平均年龄为10.61±2.92岁,二十四名健康成人(12名女性),平均年龄为25.12±5.74岁,不熟悉偏头痛。所有受试者均未服用任何已知会影响皮层兴奋性的药物。对偏头痛患者进行了检查。视觉(闪光)和声音(哔声)刺激以不同的组合呈现:多次闪光试验,其中一个哔哔声导致较少的闪光感;“融合错觉”;以及多次哔声和单个哔声引起更多闪光感的试验,“错觉错觉”?每个组合随机出现10次。在每个演示的结尾,受试者必须指出所看到的闪光次数。儿童比成人看到的幻觉更多(融合p <.005,裂变p <.00001)。偏头痛儿童在裂变或融合的幻觉上与年龄匹配的对照组没有差异,但在多次有或没有蜂鸣声的闪光试验中,他们感觉到更多的闪光(p <.05)。儿童看到的SIFI数量增加,可能是由于听觉刺激引起的视觉刺激倾向增加,可能是由于该年龄段典型的声音优势。即使对照组和患者之间的裂变或融合错觉知觉没有差异,偏头痛儿童感知闪光的能力增强,即使是在偏头痛发作之外,也能在小儿时代揭示偏头痛的功能性视皮层。事实证明,声音诱发的幻觉是测试小儿偏头痛视觉皮层反应性的有效工具。从患者处获得了书面知情同意书。



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