首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Infectious Diseases >Disseminated Cornynebacterium Propinquum (CDC group ANF 3) Infection in a Patient with Reactivated Tuberculosis

Disseminated Cornynebacterium Propinquum (CDC group ANF 3) Infection in a Patient with Reactivated Tuberculosis

机译:复发性肺结核患者的传播性棒状杆菌(CDC组AND 3)感染



We report the first case in the medical literature of disseminated Cornybacterium propinquum (C propinquum) infection in a patient with extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The microbiology and the treatment of this unusual bacterium is reviewed. Case Report A 76 year old white male with a remote history of pulmonary tuberculosis was admitted to the hospital with chest pain and underwent a coronary artery bypass procedure. He was admitted a few weeks later in cardiorespiratory arrest. During the resuscitation the sternal wound opened and subsequently became infected with Staphylococcus epidermidis. The hospitalization was complicated with a right sided pleural effusion and persistent low grade fevers and night sweats. He was started on nafcillin to treat the sternal wound infection but despite this continued to become progressively ill. Thorocentesis done two weeks later grew mycobacterium TB sensitive to the standard anti tubercular medications. The white blood cell count was 4300 cell/cu mm with a differential of 72 segs, 17 lymphs, 6 monos and 2 bands. Repeated blood and urine cultures were negative. Central lines were changed frequently and the catheter tips had no growth. Despite isoniazid, ethambutol, pyrazinamide and rifampin the patient continued to have low grade fevers. A bone marrow biopsy and repeat blood cultures (2 sets) were preformed. After 48 hours of incubation, the Gram stain of the bone marrow revealed Gram positive pleomorphic bacilli which eventually grew well on 5% sheep's blood and chocolate agars under aerobic conditions. The isolate was subjected to a set of conventional biochemical tests (Specialty Labs, Inc., Santa Monica, AC.) including: Catalse, Oxidase, Motility, Gelatin, Nitrate, Urea, Bile Esculin, TSI, Glucose, Maltose, Sucrose, Mannitol, Xylose and Trealose. Results from these biochemical tests are shown in Table I. The bacterium was noted to be susceptible to ciprofloxacin, cefazolin, gentamicin, vancomycin, imipenem and cephalothin and resistant to norfloxacin and oxacillin. He had been empirically placed on vancomycin before the identification and sensitivity were available and defervesced. He was treated for six weeks with vancomycin and on follow up six months later continued to do well.
机译:我们报道了肺外结核患者播散性丙酸杆菌(C propinquum)感染的医学文献中的第一例。本文综述了这种不常见细菌的微生物学和治疗方法。病例报告一名患有肺结核病史的76岁白人男性因胸痛入院,并接受了冠状动脉搭桥手术。几周后他被捕入心肺骤停。在复苏过程中,胸骨伤口张开,随后被表皮葡萄球菌感染。住院期间因右侧胸腔积液,持续的低度发烧和盗汗而变得复杂。他开始使用纳夫西林治疗胸骨伤口感染,尽管这种情况持续恶化。两周后进行胸腔穿刺术,使结核分枝杆菌对标准抗结核药物敏感。白细胞计数为4300细胞/立方毫米,差异为72段,17条淋巴,6条单音和2条带。重复的血液和尿液培养均为阴性。中心线经常更换,导管尖端无生长。尽管有异烟肼,乙胺丁醇,吡嗪酰胺和利福平,患者仍继续低烧。进行骨髓活检和重复血液培养(2组)。孵育48小时后,骨髓的革兰氏染色显示出革兰氏阳性多形杆菌,该细菌最终在有氧条件下在5%羊血和巧克力琼脂上生长良好。对分离物进行了一系列常规生化测试(Specialty Labs,Inc.,圣莫尼卡,AC。),包括:过氧化氢酶,氧化酶,运动性,明胶,硝酸盐,尿素,胆汁Esculin,TSI,葡萄糖,麦芽糖,蔗糖,甘露醇,木糖和海藻糖。这些生化试验的结果示于表I。该细菌对环丙沙星,头孢唑林,庆大霉素,万古霉素,亚胺培南和头孢菌素敏感,对诺氟沙星和奥沙西林具有抗性。在获得鉴定和敏感性并将其推迟治疗之前,他曾根据经验接受过万古霉素治疗。他接受了万古霉素治疗六周,六个月后继续随访,情况良好。



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