首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Infectious Diseases >Motility Of Intestinal Fluke, Echinostoma Spp, Metacercariae In Fish Dishes Prepared By Different Uncooked Methods

Motility Of Intestinal Fluke, Echinostoma Spp, Metacercariae In Fish Dishes Prepared By Different Uncooked Methods




Fish-borne trematode is a worldwide problem. In addition to the major liver flukes, several types of intestinal flukes also use minnows as the intermediate host. Traditional ingestion of undercooked and uncooked fish preparations is a major factor in pathogen acquisition. Several freshly killed freshwater fish, Cyclocheilichthys armatus, were purchased from the local market and sent to the laboratory to be examined under a stereoscopic microscope for active Echinostoma spp metacercariae. A total of 10 fish were infected with many active metacercariae and used in the preparation of uncooked fish dishes: 1) left to dry at room temperature; 2) frozen; 3) refrigerated; 4) marinated in saline; and 5) marinated in 5% acetic acid solution. The motility of the metacercariae in each of these dishes was examined under a stereoscopic microscope. Motility was estimated as the level of activity or degeneration of the metacercariae at the start of the experiment and then every 30 minutes until all the parasites appeared degenerate (and therefore, presumably not viable). Degeneration of the parasites was slowed by cooling: degeneration of all metacercariae took approximately 10 hours in the refrigerated or frozen fish, compared with 4 hours in all other dishes left at room temperature. Of interest, this period is longer than reported times for the metacercariae of the intestinal flukes in recent published works. In conclusion, the studied uncooked preparation mimicking the traditional practice cannot induce degeneration to the contaminated metacercariae of in the short period. Since the real practice of the Thais is rapidly eating after preparation, hence, the active strategy to change this rooted behavior is necessary. Introduction Fish-borne trematode is a worldwide problem, with the number of people infected by liver flukes alone estimated at 21 million. In addition to the diseases caused by major liver flukes, O viverrini and C sinensis, infections by the other types of intestinal flukes such as Heterophyidae spp, Haplorchinae spp and Echinostoma spp are fished-borne diseases as well. Presently, these fluke diseases are a common public health problem in the northeastern region of Thailand.(1,2) Because the minnows are the source of the infective stage of these flukes, ingestion of undercooked and uncooked fish is a major factor in pathogen acquisition. Traditional Thai dishes such as Pla Som and Lab Pla are believed to be the source of infection to many people.(3) However, there have been only a few reports concerning the metacercariae in Thai traditional dishes. The first report was restricted to monitoring the viability of Haplorchis taichui metacercariae in only 2 specific dishes, Pla Som and Lab Pla.(4) The second and third report studied the viability of Heterophyidae spp and Haplorchinae spp metacercariae in matched minnows using a number of preparation methods.(5, 6) In order to fulfill the knowledge on the metacercariae study, the another study concerning the motility of Echinostoma spp metacercariae after different preparation methods that mimic traditional practices was performed. Materials and Methods Preparation of Uncooked Fish Dishes The protocol of this study is the same as the previous reports (5, 6). Several freshly killed freshwater fish, C armatus, were purchased from the local market and examined under a stereoscopic microscope for active Echinostoma spp metacercariae. The entire fish was examined, including the fins and flesh. A total of 10 fish were infected with many active metacercariae, in many parts. These infected fish were used further in the study. Five different raw fish dishes that mimicked traditional meals (2 fish/dish) were prepared using the following methods: 1) left to dry at room temperature (about 37 ° Celsius in Thailand) ; 2) frozen at -20° Celsius; 3) refrigerated at 4° Celsius; 4) marinated in saline (5% sodium chloride solution); and 5) marinated in 5% acetic acid solution to mimic traditional
机译:鱼源吸虫是一个世界性的问题。除了主要的肝吸虫外,几种类型的肠道吸虫还使用min鱼作为中间宿主。传统摄入未煮熟和未煮过的鱼制品是病原体获取的主要因素。从当地市场购买了几条新鲜杀死的淡水鱼类Cyclocheilichthys armatus,并送至实验室,在立体显微镜下检查了活跃的棘皮E虫。总共10条鱼感染了许多活跃的尾cer,并用于制备未煮过的鱼菜:1)在室温下晾干; 2)冷冻; 3)冷藏; 4)用盐水腌制; 5)在5%乙酸溶液中腌制。在立体显微镜下检查每个盘中the尾虫的蠕动。在实验开始时,然后每30分钟直到所有的寄生虫都退化(因此,据认为是不可行的)之前,将运动性估计为尾cer的活动或退化水平。冷却降低了寄生虫的变性:在冷藏或冷冻的鱼中,所有cer尾de的变性大约花费了10个小时,而在室温下放置的所有其他菜肴则花费了4个小时。有趣的是,这一时期比最近发表的著作中关于肠吸虫的cer尾cer的报道时间更长。综上所述,所研究的未经烹制的制剂模仿了传统做法,在短期内不会诱发退化的meta疮。由于泰国人的实际做法是在准备食物后迅速进食,因此,有必要采取积极的策略来改变这种根深蒂固的行为。引言鱼源性吸虫是一个世界性的问题,仅肝吸虫感染的人数估计为2100万人。除了主要的肝吸虫,维氏弧菌和中华绒螯蟹引起的疾病外,其他类型的肠道吸虫(如异蝇科,七子甲属和棘皮虫)也都是鱼类传播的疾病。目前,这些吸虫病是泰国东北部地区常见的公共卫生问题。(1,2)由于the鱼是这些吸虫感染阶段的来源,因此,摄入未煮熟和未煮熟的鱼是获取病原体的主要因素。传统的泰国菜,例如Pla Som和Lab Pla被认为是许多人的感染源。(3)但是,关于泰国传统菜中的cer尾e的报道很少。第一份报告仅限于监测Pla Som和Lab Pla两种特定培养皿中的Haplorchis taichui metacercariae的生存力。(4)第二份和第三份报告使用多种方法研究了在匹配的小鱼中Heterophyidae spp和Haplorchinae spp metacercariae的生存能力。 (5,6)为满足对cer尾study病研究的认识,另一项关于meta虫棘皮practices虫活动性的研究是采用模仿传统方法的不同制备方法进行的。材料和方法未经烹煮的鱼菜的制备这项研究的方法与以前的报道相同(5,6)。从当地市场购买了几条新鲜杀灭的淡水鱼C armatus,并在立体显微镜下检查了活跃的棘皮E虫cer虫。检查了整条鱼,包括鳍和肉。总共有10条鱼在许多地方感染了许多活跃的尾aria。这些受感染的鱼在研究中被进一步使用。使用以下方法准备了五种模仿传统餐食的生鱼菜肴(每条鱼两道菜):1)在室温下干燥(泰国约为37摄氏度); 2)冷冻在-20摄氏度; 3)在4摄氏度冷藏; 4)用盐水(5%氯化钠溶液)腌制; 5)在5%醋酸溶液中腌制以模仿传统



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