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Some Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Volunteers for health checks: A Study Of Rural And Urban Residents In The Northeast Nigeria




The prevalence rates of cardiovascular disease risk factors are increasing rapidly globally and especially so in the middle and low income countries where the adoption of Western lifestyles are considered to be responsible for the change. Our study population is drawn from sub-Saharan African communities that are also classified as low income by the WHO. In this cross sectional study we sought to use simple low cost examinations of community based individuals to determine the health burden attributable to the major cardiovascular risk factors. We studied a total of 224 volunteers of whom 102 lived in the city and 122 resided in the rural area. The male to female ratio of the study population was approximately 2:1 at the urban and 1.5:1 at the rural surveys that involved adults 18 years and older. The mean ages of the participants were 37.6 years for the urban residents and 42.8 years at the rural area. The majority did not smoke and self reported that they were involved in exercises. We identified prehypertension, hypertension, overweight and obese states, proteinuria and diabetes as the modifiable cardiovascular risk factors that occurred at high frequencies and most of which were previously undiagnosed. The prevalence rates of the risk factors were prehypertension 48 % versus 39%, hypertension 40 % versus 27 %, overweight and obese 44% versus 28 % in the urban and rural areas. There is an urgent need to combat by preventive and intervention strategies the heavy burden of cardiovascular risk factors at the community level in the Northeast of Nigeria. Introduction Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of deaths worldwide and it was projected to account for the mortality of 17.5 million individuals globally in the year 2005 (1). Furthermore cardiovascular mortality has been projected to exceed 20 million by 2015 if the present trend in cardiovascular risk profile prevalent in the low and middle income countries is not stopped (2). Cardiovascular risk factors are rapidly expanding from the original list of the so called traditional factors such as smoking of cigarettes, male sex, high blood pressure and diabetes and cholesterol to include the more recently added ones like chronic kidney disease (3,4,5). According to Chobanian et al (6), the major cardiovascular risk factors include hypertension, older age of 55 and 65 years for men and women respectively, diabetes mellitus, elevated low density and total cholesterol concentrations. The other cardiovascular risk factors include estimated glomerular filtration rate less than 60 ml/min indicative of chronic kidney disease stage 3, microalbuminuria, obesity and cigarette smoking. The common explanation for the rising tide of cardiovascular disease worldwide is the adoption of the Western lifestyles with the resultant increase in the prevalence rates of diabetes and hypertension. Hypertension alone was responsible for 7.6 million deaths (or 13.5% of total) and 92 million or 6% of global total of Disabilty Adjusted Life Years (DALY) in the year 2001 (7). Cardiovascular disease burden is greater in developing than the developed countries where those affected are the relatively younger individuals who do not get to receive the benefit of recent advance in treatments of those conditions. Our aim in this pilot study was to use the simple, non high technology methods to determine the prevalence rates of the cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, proteinuria, obesity and diabetes in the urban residents who were predominantly white collar workers and to compare them with the situation prevalent in the rural dwellers who were mostly peasant farmers. Methods Cross sectional health surveys were conducted at two different locations after prior announcements of the upcoming free medical check exercises for consenting adults. The urban setting was Maiduguri while the rural setting was a remote village approximately 200 kilometers from the capital city of Borno State Nigeria. In th
机译:心血管疾病危险因素的患病率在全球范围内迅速增加,尤其是在中西部和低收入国家,在这些国家中,采用西方生活方式是造成这种变化的原因。我们的研究人群来自撒哈拉以南非洲社区,这些社区也被WHO归类为低收入人群。在这项横断面研究中,我们试图对社区个体进行简单的低成本检查,以确定归因于主要心血管危险因素的健康负担。我们研究了224名志愿者,其中102名住在城市,122名住在农村。在涉及18岁及以上成年人的城市调查中,研究人群的男女比例约为2:1,而农村调查为1.5:1。城镇居民的平均年龄为37.6岁,农村地区的平均年龄为42.8岁。大多数人不吸烟,自我报告说他们参与了锻炼。我们确定高血压前期,高血压,超重和肥胖状态,蛋白尿和糖尿病为可改变的心血管危险因素,其发生频率很高,并且大多数以前未被诊断。在城市和农村地区,危险因素的患病率分别为:高血压前期48%对39%,高血压40%对27%,超重和肥胖44%对28%。迫切需要通过预防和干预策略来应对尼日利亚东北部社区一级心血管危险因素的沉重负担。引言心血管疾病是全球范围内主要的死亡原因,预计到2005年,心血管疾病将导致全球1750万人的死亡(1)。此外,如果不阻止目前在中低收入国家中普遍存在的心血管疾病风险趋势,则到2015年心血管疾病死亡率将超过2000万(2)。心血管危险因素正在从所谓的传统因素的原始列表中迅速扩展,例如抽烟,男性,高血压,糖尿病和胆固醇等传统因素,其中包括最近添加的慢性肾脏疾病等因素(3,4,5) 。根据Chobanian等人(6)的研究,主要的心血管危险因素包括高血压,男女年龄分别为55岁和65岁,糖尿病,低密度血症和总胆固醇升高。其他心血管危险因素包括估计肾小球滤过率低于60 ml / min,表明慢性肾脏疾病第3阶段,微量白蛋白尿,肥胖和吸烟。全世界心血管疾病流行趋势的普遍解释是采用西方生活方式,从而导致糖尿病和高血压的患病率增加。 2001年,仅高血压就造成760万人死亡(占总数的13.5%)和9200万人(占全球残疾调整生命年(DALY)的6%)(7)。在发展中国家,心血管疾病的负担要大于发达国家,在发达国家,受影响的是相对年轻的个体,他们没有从这些疾病的近期治疗中受益。我们在这项初步研究中的目的是使用简单,非高科技的方法来确定以白领为主的城市居民的心血管危险因素(例如高血压,蛋白尿,肥胖和糖尿病)的患病率,并将其与这种情况普遍存在于以农民为主的农村居民中。方法在事先宣布即将接受同意的成年人进行免费体检活动之后,在两个不同的地点进行横断面健康调查。城市环境是Maiduguri,而农村环境是一个偏远的村庄,距离首都博尔诺州(Borno State)尼日利亚约200公里。在



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