首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Cardiovascular Research >Palpitations in a 50 year old female on digoxin

Palpitations in a 50 year old female on digoxin




Case presentation 50 year old female with past medical history of hypertension, chronic kidney disease receiving dialysis three times a week and congestive heart failure reported to the emergency room with chief complaints of palpitations for almost half an hour. She also complained of chest discomfort and mild shortness of breath. She was receiving lisinopril, amlodipine digoxin, darbopoietin and calcium acetate. Her examination revealed a regular heart rate of 150 beats per min, respiratory rate of 18, and blood pressure of 160/95 mm Hg. She had an AV fistula in left arm. Her chest examination revealed few crackles in the bases. Cardiovascular examination revealed normal S1 and S2. She had a grade II/VI murmur at the base. Abdominal and neurology examination was normal. An ECG was done in the ER (Figure 1). She was ruled out for an acute coronary syndrome with three negative sets of cardiac enzymes. After reading the ECG we decided to check her digoxin level, which was 2.4 ng/ml. 1) What is the diagnosis of an arrhythmia seen in the EKG in Fig 1? 2) In what conditions do you see such arrhythmias?
机译:病例介绍50岁女性,既往有高血压病史,慢性肾脏病每周接受3次透析,充血性心力衰竭报告急诊室,主诉主诉有近半小时。她还抱怨胸部不适和轻度呼吸急促。她正在接受赖诺普利,氨氯地平地高辛,达波泊汀和醋酸钙。她的检查显示出正常的心率每分钟150次,呼吸频率为18次,血压为160/95毫米汞柱。她的左臂有一个AV瘘。她的胸部检查发现底部没有裂纹。心血管检查显示S1和S2正常。她的底部有II / VI级杂音。腹部和神经科检查正常。在急诊室进行了心电图检查(图1)。她被排除在急性冠状动脉综合症的心脏酶三阴性。阅读心电图后,我们决定检查她的地高辛水平,为2.4 ng / ml。 1)在图1的EKG中看到的心律失常的诊断是什么? 2)在什么情况下您会看到这种心律不齐?



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