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www.palliativecareglasgow.info: Developing Online Palliative Care Information




The Glasgow Palliative Care Information Network provides an online source of information about palliative care and palliative care services to patients, their families and professionals, particularly generalists.The information for patients and carers aims to clarify what palliative care is and how such services are accessed. The section for professionals includes guidelines, protocols, links and resources which can be used to support their practice in both hospital and community settings.It is also planned to place public access terminals in relevant locations across the city to encourage access to the information available online and by so doing to improve awareness of palliative care and how it is delivered. In addition the network will offer internet access to a group of patients and assess the effect of the web based information on anxiety levels when compared to more traditional media. Introduction The provision of appropriate information to patients and professionals receiving and delivering palliative care has been and remains an area of concern (Houts et al, 1991) particularly as the importance of information in this area is increasingly well recognised (Addington-Hall and McCarthy, 1995), with many patients and their carers placing much importance upon this being given in a pro-active manner. For patients and their families information is considered to be very important (Lecouturier et al, 1999) and may be a means of combating the uncertainty generated by their prognosis. For those who deliver palliative care – many of whom work at the generalist level (SPPC, 1998) e.g. hospital and Primary Care Team staff – they often require information of a specialist nature at irregular intervals. The wide range of clinical situations they encounter may create problems with transferring the expertise gained in one situation to another.It is also possible that the proliferation of specialist nurses in recent years has led to both professionals and patients becoming confused by the number and roles of the staff they encounter.Internet technologies improve upon traditional methods of providing information (Sheppard and Charnock, 2002) by organising material in such a way that different users will find a personal path through the material that reflects their problems and their feelings about those problems. It also goes some way to meeting the wish for information to be available where and when people want it. The net allows for quicker, and easier updating of information and of indicating responsiveness to users who may wish material added, moved or changed. Earlier concerns about quality of information on the internet have proved largely unfounded (Ferguson, 2002, Eysenbach and Kohler, 2002, Pandolfini and Bonati, 2002) and cancer strategies have expressed the view that information giving is of great importance (Eaton, 2002).Palliative care prides itself upon openness and honesty in communication and the principles behind the development of the internet share that concern about access to information and the free sharing of knowledge. It is no surprise then to find that there are already many Palliative Care sites available on the net (Sweeney, 2002) and the development described here reflects an acceptance of the importance of the medium. Background The New Opportunities Fund has funded the development of the Glasgow Palliative Care Information Network for 3 years until March 2005. Essentially it will be an online approach to meeting the information needs of both public and professionals and an opportunity to examine the impact on patients and service providers of this method of information provision. A team of two staff with backgrounds in palliative care, IT and public information provision were employed to develop and maintain the site for the duration of the project with a view to its survival in the longer term. It is also hoped that the increase in collaboration required by the formation of the West of Scotland Managed Clinic
机译:格拉斯哥姑息治疗信息网络为患者,其家人和专业人员(特别是通才)提供有关姑息治疗和姑息治疗服务的在线信息源,面向患者和护理人员的信息旨在阐明什么是姑息治疗以及如何获得此类服务。专业人士部分包括指南,协议,链接和资源,可用于支持他们在医院和社区中的实践;还计划在城市的相关位置放置公共访问终端,以鼓励访问在线可用信息并以此提高对姑息治疗及其提供方式的认识。另外,与更传统的媒体相比,该网络将为一组患者提供互联网访问,并评估基于网络的信息对焦虑水平的影响。引言向患者和接受和提供姑息治疗的专业人员提供适当的信息一直是并且仍然是一个令人关注的领域(Houts等,1991),尤其是随着信息在该领域的重要性日益得到人们的认可(Addington-Hall和McCarthy, (1995年),许多患者及其护理人员都非常积极地重视这一点。对于患者及其家属而言,信息被认为是非常重要的(Lecouturier等,1999),并且可能是对抗其预后产生的不确定性的一种手段。对于那些提供姑息治疗的人-其中许多人在通才层次上工作(SPPC,1998年)。医院和基层医疗团队的工作人员–他们经常需要不定期的专业信息。他们遇到的各种各样的临床情况可能会导致将一种情况下获得的专业知识转移到另一种情况上产生问题。近年来,专业护士的激增也可能导致专业人士和患者对这种情况的数量和作用感到困惑互联网技术通过组织资料的方式改进了传统的信息提供方法(Sheppard和Charnock,2002),使不同的用户可以通过资料找到反映他们的问题和对这些问题的感受的个人途径。它还可以满足人们在何时何地获取信息的需求。该网络允许更快,更轻松地更新信息,并指示对可能希望添加,移动或更改资料的用户的响应能力。以前人们对互联网信息质量的担忧在很大程度上是没有根据的(Ferguson,2002; Eysenbach和Kohler,2002; Pandolfini和Bonati,2002),并且癌症策略已经表明,信息的提供非常重要(Eaton,2002)。姑息治疗以沟通中的坦诚和诚实以及互联网共享背后的原则为荣,这种原则关注信息的获取和知识的自由共享。因此,发现网上已经有许多姑息治疗站点就不足为奇了(Sweeney,2002年),这里描述的发展反映了对媒介重要性的认可。背景信息新机会基金会已经为格拉斯哥姑息治疗信息网络的发展提供了3年的资金支持,直到2005年3月为止。从根本上说,它将是一种在线方法,可以满足公众和专业人员的信息需求,并有机会研究对患者和患者的影响。服务提供者这种信息提供方法。该团队由两名具有姑息治疗,IT和公共信息提供背景的人员组成的团队在项目持续时间内开发和维护该站点,以期长期生存。还希望通过建立西苏格兰管理诊所来加强合作



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