首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care >Predicting Nerve Root Pathology With Voltage-actuated Sensory Nerve Conduction Threshold

Predicting Nerve Root Pathology With Voltage-actuated Sensory Nerve Conduction Threshold




Voltage-actuated sensory nerve conduction threshold (V-sNCT) is a quantitative test of sensory function. This study compares the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of V-sNCT compared to physical examination for the presence of nerve-root adhesions visible on epidurogram. Predicted abnormal nerve roots by V-sNCT and/or physical examination were compared with abnormal nerve roots documented by abnormal epidurogram in forty-nine patients with L5/S1 radicular back pain. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value for V-sNCT predicting nerve root pathology were 94.6%, 70.2%, and 91.0%, respectively, compared to 61.7%, 72.3%, and 87.6%, respectively, for prediction by physical examination alone. In addition, area under ROC Curve and relative risk for V-sNCT were significantly more predictive of nerve-root pathology than physical examination (p<0.05). Prediction of abnormal nerve-root pathology with V-sNCT is superior to prediction from neurological examination. Introduction Sensory neurological examination is an important part of any physical examination. This part of the physical examination takes on even more importance in the workup of the patient with chronic pain. During World War II, Dr. George Riddoch, a neurologist in the British Army, developed a logical approach to the sensory examination with the concept of identifying “signature” surface areas highly correlated with specific anatomic dermatomes, which, in turn, are associated with specific nerve roots.1 Later, the concept of current perception threshold (CPT) was developed to quantitate level of sensory deficit.2 Problems developed with this diagnostic technique, however, with significant variability associated with changing skin resistance.3 Recently, the concept of voltage-actuated sensory nerve conduction (V-sNCT) has resulted in the development of a new instrument to quantitate sensory function (Medi-Dx 7000, Neuro-Diagnotic Associates, Inc., Laguna Beach, CA). This instrument provides testing which is voltage mediated, and results are independent of changes in skin resistance. The purpose of this study was to assess how well V-sNCT worked in predicting nerve root pathology as defined by filling defects on epidurogram prior to epidural lysis of adhesions. Methods After IRB approval and informed consent, patients with L5 or S1 radicular back pain scheduled for lysis of epidural adhesions4 were studied. All patients underwent pre-procedure V-sNCT testing. All patients received catheter-directed lysis of adhesions, during which an epidurogram was done with 10 ml of Omnipaque-180 contrast. Predicted abnormal nerve roots identified by V-sNCT prior to the procedure were compared with abnormal nerve roots documented by abnormal epidurography of the nerve root. In addition, neurological examinations were conducted relating to the nerve roots tested. Neurological examination for L5 and S1 nerve roots were conducted as described by Hoppenfeld.5 Neurological exam associated with L5 and S1 consisted of a motor, reflex (except for L5), and sensory test. Motor test for L5 was to test dorsiflexion of the big toe with the extensor hallucis longus. The examiner supported the patient's foot with one hand around the calcaneus and then placed his/her thumb in such a position that the patient must dorsifex his/her great toe to reach it. The examiner opposed the dorsiflexion by placing his/her thumb on the nail bed of the great toe and fingers on the ball of the foot. Motor test for S1 was to test plantar flexion and eversion of the foot by opposing this motion with pressure on the head of the fifth metatarsal. There is no reflex to test for L5 function, but S1 was tested with the Achilles tendon reflex. Sensation for L5 was tested on the dorsum of the foot; sensation for S1 was tested at the lateral malleolus. In addition to the L5 and S1 nerve roots, major peripheral nerves tested included the superior and inferior gluteal nerves, as well as the sciatic, tibial and common
机译:电压驱动的感觉神经传导阈值(V-sNCT)是对感觉功能的定量测试。这项研究比较了V-sNCT的敏感性,特异性和预测值与硬膜外图上可见的神经根粘连的物理检查相比。在49例L5 / S1神经根性背痛患者中,将通过V-sNCT和/或体格检查预测的异常神经根与硬膜外异常记录的异常神经根进行了比较。 V-sNCT预测神经根病理的敏感性,特异性和预测值分别为94.6%,70.2%和91.0%,相比之下,仅通过体检即可预测的分别为61.7%,72.3%和87.6%。此外,ROC曲线下的面积和V-sNCT的相对危险性比体格检查对神经根病理的预测性更好(p <0.05)。 V-sNCT对神经根病理异常的预测优于神经系统检查的预测。简介感觉神经系统检查是任何身体检查的重要组成部分。身体检查的这一部分在慢性疼痛患者的检查中显得尤为重要。在第二次世界大战期间,英国陆军的神经病学家乔治·里多奇(George Riddoch)博士开发了一种用于感觉检查的逻辑方法,其概念是识别与特定解剖用皮割高度相关的“标志”表面区域,而这些区域又与特定的解剖皮特定的神经根。1随后,发展了电流感知阈值(CPT)的概念来量化感觉缺陷的水平。2然而,这种诊断技术产生了一些问题,但与皮肤抵抗力的改变相关的变异性很大。3电压致动的感觉神经传导(V-sNCT)导致了一种定量感觉功能的新仪器的开发(Medi-Dx 7000,加利福尼亚州拉古纳海滩的Neuro-Diagnotic Associates,Inc.)。该仪器提供电压介导的测试,其结果与皮肤电阻的变化无关。这项研究的目的是评估V-sNCT在预测硬脊膜硬膜外溶解之前在硬膜上填充缺损所定义的神经根病理学方面的工作情况。方法经IRB批准并获得知情同意后,对计划行硬膜外粘连溶解治疗的L5或S1型放射性背痛患者进行研究。所有患者均接受术前V-sNCT测试。所有患者均接受导管定向的粘连溶解,其间用10 ml Omnipaque-180造影剂进行硬膜外造影。将V-sNCT在手术前识别出的预测神经根异常与神经根硬膜外造影所记录的神经根异常进行比较。另外,进行了与被测神经根有关的神经系统检查。按照Hoppenfeld的描述对L5和S1神经根进行神经系统检查。5与L5和S1相关的神经系统检查包括运动,反射(L5除外)和感觉测验。对L5的运动测试是测试长趾幻觉测试大脚趾的背屈。检查者用一只手围绕跟骨支撑患者的脚,然后将他/她的拇指放置在这样的位置,即患者必须背住自己的大脚趾才能到达。检查者通过将拇指放在大脚趾的甲床上并将手指放在脚掌上来对抗背屈。 S1的运动测试是通过在第五meta骨的头部施加压力来抵抗这种运动,以测试脚的足底屈曲和外翻。没有反射可以测试L5的功能,但是S1已通过跟腱反射测试。 L5的感觉在脚背测试。在外侧踝测试S1的感觉。除了L5和S1神经根外,受测的主要周围神经还包括上,下臀神经以及坐骨,胫骨和普通神经。



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