
Anaphylactic Shock




The body can tolerate allergies of mild nature and the person affected may live with it and prevent the allergy by avoiding exposure to the substance producing this allergic reaction. If the individual is exposed to foreign materials like drugs then most likely that he would be subjected to such reaction if he is vulnerable That may happen at his home, doctor clinic and in hospitalThere are many records of severe allergic reaction to the following classes of substances and items: Food, insect bite and drugs. All are incriminated in liberating histamine. Drugs, which are notorious to produce serious reactions, are: morphine, pethidine, thiopentone, dextran, haemacel Antibiotics, penicillin Immunizing agents, horse sera, latex and the list is expanding. The immediate management includes activation of the emergency services either in society or in hospital to administer life saving measures and follow up according to the following major lines Severe reaction (Anaphylactic shock): Treatment should be immediate, ask for help from emergency services and usually in hospital setting the cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) team would be informed. Meanwhile put the patient in supine position, loosen his collar and tight belt, etc. If breathing is noisy this is called stridor, the patient will need oxygen. If swelling of the mouth and larynx happen (laryngeal oedema), the patient may need artificial airway which is usually performed by the emergency team (endotracheal intubation) which needs special instruments. So till then the patient should be given oxygen by mask.Cardiovascular collapse calls for immediate resuscitation (CPR). Guarantee the open vein, judicious use of intravenous fluids, which is usually administered by the CPR team. Adrenaline, 0.5 ml 1:1000 intravenously also can be injected in remote areas (outreach of the medical facilities) by a special pen
机译:身体可以忍受轻微的过敏,受影响的人可以与之同住,并避免暴露于产生这种过敏反应的物质,从​​而预防过敏。如果个人暴露于毒品等异物,那么如果他很脆弱,很可能会发生这种反应。这可能在他的家中,医生诊所和医院中发生。有许多记录表明,对以下几种物质有严重的过敏反应和物品:食物,昆虫叮咬和毒品。所有人都被释放组胺。众所周知,会引起严重反应的药物包括:吗啡,哌替啶,硫代戊酮,右旋糖酐,haemacel抗生素,青霉素免疫剂,马血清,乳胶,并且清单还在不断增加。即时管理包括激活社会或医院的紧急服务以执行救生措施并根据以下主要方面进行跟进严重反应(过敏性休克):应立即治疗,寻求紧急服务的帮助,通常在将通知医院设置心肺复苏(CPR)小组的人员。同时,将患者置于仰卧位置,松开领子和系紧安全带等。如果呼吸嘈杂,这称为喘鸣,患者将需要氧气。如果发生口腔和喉咙肿胀(喉头水肿),则患者可能需要人工气道,通常由急诊小组(气管插管)进行,这需要特殊的仪器。因此,在此之前应通过面罩给患者氧气。心血管衰竭要求立即复苏(CPR)。确保静脉开放,明智地使用静脉输液,这通常由CPR团队进行管理。肾上腺素0.5 ml 1:1000也可通过专用笔在偏远地区(医疗机构的所在地)注射



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