首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Plastic Surgery >Successful Non-Microvascular Nasal Tip Replantation After Traumatic Avulsion

Successful Non-Microvascular Nasal Tip Replantation After Traumatic Avulsion




Objectives: To present a case of a traumatic avulsion of the nasal tip treated successfully with non-microvascular replantation Methods: Illustrative case report Results: A 37-year-old male presented to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital with a traumatic avulsion of his nasal tip from a human bite. The avulsed tissue was 2cm in size, included the lower lateral cartilage and involved multiple subunits of the nose. Replantation was performed 8 hours after the traumatic incident. Leeches were applied to the re-implanted tissue immediately following surgical repair. Two weeks after surgery 80% graft survival was noted. The residual defect was reconstructed with a pedicled columellar graft. Conclusions: This case presents evidence that non-microvascular replantation of full thickness composite tissue can result in survival with acceptable clinical outcomes. In this particular case, tissue survival obviated forehead flap reconstruction and its associated morbidity. Future studies to determine the effects of time, size and leech therapy on replanted tissues are needed. Introduction Nasal defects created by traumatic amputation are much less common than those created by the surgical excision of malignancies. Flanery and others have shown that replantation of amputated nasal tissue is superior to other reconstructive efforts including local flaps and skin grafts when the defects are small in size. 1, 6, 7 However, when the defects are massive, replantation almost always results in necrosis. 9 Even with smaller defects replantation is often associated with partial graft failure and a high incidence of revision surgery. 7 A recent review of the literature of replantation of traumatic nasal tip injuries has revealed methods and complications associated with mostly microvascular repairs. We present a case of a traumatic avulsion of the nasal tip that was repaired by a non-microvascular technique with substantial survival. A review of the literature and discussion of indications and management of microvascular and non-microvascular replantation follows. Case Report A 37-year-old male presented to the Thomas Jefferson University emergency department following the traumatic avulsion of his nasal tip by a human bite during an altercation. The amputated nasal tissue was located several hours later at the scene of the altercation and brought to the emergency department, where it remained on iced saline until the time of surgery approximately 8 hours after the altercation. Physical examination at the time of presentation revealed a nasal defect encompassing the nasal tip with a portion of the right lower lateral cartilage, the soft triangle and a portion of the anterior columella (figure 1). No venous or arterial vessels were identified in the defect or amputated tissue for microvascular anastamosis. The amputated tissue contained skin, cartilage, and nasal mucosa and measured approximately 2.5cm x 2.5cm (figure 2).
机译:目的:介绍一例经非微血管再植成功治疗的鼻尖外伤性撕脱的方法:病例报告结果:一名来自托马斯·杰斐逊大学医院的37岁男性因鼻尖部外伤性撕脱伤被人咬。撕脱的组织大小为2cm,包括下侧软骨并累及鼻子的多个亚基。创伤事件发生后8小时进行了再植。在外科手术修复后立即将水to应用于重新植入的组织。手术后两周,移植物存活率达到80%。用带蒂的小柱移植重建残余缺损。结论:该病例提供了证据,即非微血管再植全层复合组织可导致存活并获得可接受的临床结果。在这种特殊情况下,组织存活消除了前额皮瓣的重建及其相关的发病率。需要进一步的研究来确定时间,大小和水ech疗法对再植组织的影响。简介创伤性截肢造成的鼻部缺损比恶性肿瘤的手术切除所造成的鼻部缺损要少得多。 Flanery和其他研究表明,当缺损较小时,截肢的鼻组织再植优于其他重建工作,包括局部皮瓣和皮肤移植。 1,6,7但是,当缺陷很大时,再植几乎总是导致坏死。 9即使有较小的缺损,再植也常常与部分移植物衰竭和翻修手术的高发生率有关。 7最近对创伤性鼻尖损伤再植的文献进行的回顾表明,与大多数微血管修复相关的方法和并发症。我们介绍了一种通过非微血管技术修复的具有实质性生存的鼻尖创伤性撕脱病例。随后对文献进行回顾,并对微血管和非微血管再植的适应症和治疗进行讨论。病例报告一名37岁的男性在争吵中被人咬伤,导致鼻尖外伤后被送往托马斯·杰斐逊大学急诊科。截肢的鼻组织在发生争执的几个小时后被定位,并带到急诊室,在那里,它保留在冰冻的盐水中,直到发生争执大约8小时后才开始手术。在就诊时进行的体格检查发现,鼻部缺损涵盖了鼻尖,右侧下侧软骨的一部分,软三角形和小前小柱的一部分(图1)。在缺损或截肢组织中未发现用于微血管吻合的静脉或动脉血管。截肢的组织包含皮肤,软骨和鼻粘膜,大小约为2.5cm x 2.5cm(图2)。



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