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Lichenoid Reaction To Colored Professional Tattoo Of Skin.




The modern colorful permanent tattoos are usually performed by professional tattooist. Solid pigment/ink particles injected through the epidermis into deep dermis can cause multiple adverse reactions.We report the case of 46 years old women that was admitted to the plastic surgery outpatient clinic with ulcerative skin lesions on her right ankle's tattoo. According to her history, 2.5 years previously dual color tattoo (black bracelet with three red hearts in it) was performed in a professional tattoo clinic. On physical examination, the patient had a circular black tattoo pattern with 3 heart shape ulcerated skin lesions interposed in the tattoo on her ankle. Under local anesthesia the largest, central lesion was excised. Histology examination of the skin specimen revealed combined lichen planus reaction in the center of the lesion and peripheral granulomatous sarcoid type reaction. Case report We report a case of combined lechenoid and granuloumatous reaction developed in the red part of the 2.5 years old tattoo on the patient's right ankle.A 46-year-old woman admitted to plastic surgery outpatient clinic due to slow growing lesions on her right ankle tattoo. According to her history 2.5 years ago dual colored tattoo bracelet (black circumferential pattern with three red interposed hearts) was performed in a professional tattoo clinic. The lesions had been growing for 7 months. The dye used for the tattoo was “Millennium colorworks inc. Monthly red”. The main ingredients of the red pigment according to manufacturer annotation was CI#12475 (4-[[4-(aminocarbonyl) phenyl]azo]-N-(2-ethoxyphenyl)-3-hydroxy- 2-Naphthalene Carboxamide) combined with glycerin, water and alcohol. There were no signs of local inflammation of the surrounding skin or regional lymph node involvement. The patient is a heavy smoker, suffers from epilepsy, currently treated with Topiramate and Phenytoin. She does not have any known allergies. She has another two tattoos on her chest and abdomen (blue shark). She had an episode of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in the past. The lesions on her ankles were previously treated by a dermatologist with local antihistamines and steroids injections for few months without any improvement. The local findings on her ankle were a black tattooed bracelet with 3 heart shaped, ulcerated skin lesions on red background of the tattoo, resembling Squamous cell carcinoma (figure 1). The biggest lesion measured 15 x 10 mm, restricted exclusively to the red part of the tattoo and was excised under local anesthesia by plastic surgeon preserving the main design of the tattoo.The wound had healed well with normal linear scar.Histological examination (hematoxylin eosin staining) revealed inflammatory response of the tattooed skin resembling hypertrophic lichen planus reaction in the center of the lesion and peripheral granulomatous reaction (sarcoid type).
机译:现代的彩色永久纹身通常由专业的纹身师表演。通过表皮注射到真皮深层的固体色素/墨水颗粒可能会引起多种不良反应。我们报道了46岁的女性,该患者因整形外科门诊入院,右脚踝纹身有溃疡性皮肤病变。根据她的历史,在专业纹身诊所进行过2.5年前的双色纹身(黑色手镯中有三个红心)。体检时,患者的脚踝纹身上有3个心形溃疡皮肤损伤,呈圆形黑色纹身图案。在局部麻醉下切除了最大的中央病变。皮肤标本的组织学检查显示,病变中心的扁平苔藓反应与周围肉芽肿性结节型反应相结合。病例报告我们报告了一例在患者右踝2.5岁纹身的红色部分出现类癌样肉芽肿和肉芽肿反应的复合病例。一名46岁的女性因其病灶缓慢生长而进入整形外科门诊脚踝纹身。根据她的历史2.5年前,在一家专业的纹身诊所进行了双色纹身手链(黑色圆周图案,中间夹着三个红色的心)。病变已经生长了七个月。用于纹身的染料是“ Millennium colorworks inc。每月红色”。根据制造商的注释,红色颜料的主要成分是CI#12475(4-[[[4-(氨基羰基)苯基]偶氮] -N-(2-乙氧基苯基)-3-羟基-2-萘甲酰胺)与甘油结合,水和酒精。没有周围皮肤局部发炎或局部淋巴结受累的迹象。该患者是一名重度吸烟者,患有癫痫病,目前接受托吡酯和苯妥英钠治疗。她没有任何已知的过敏。她的胸部和腹部还有另外两个纹身(蓝鲨)。过去,她曾发生过深静脉血栓形成和肺栓塞。皮肤科医生先前曾用局部抗组胺药和类固醇注射剂治疗她脚踝的病变几个月,但无任何改善。她脚踝上的局部发现是黑色纹身手镯,在纹身的红色背景上有3个心形溃疡皮肤损伤,类似于鳞状细胞癌(图1)。最大的病变为15 x 10 mm,仅限于纹身的红色部分,并在整形外科医师的局部麻醉下切除,保留了纹身的主要设计,伤口愈合良好,线性疤痕正常。组织学检查(苏木伊红)染色)显示出纹身皮肤的炎症反应,类似于病变中心的肥大性扁平苔藓反应和周围的肉芽肿反应(类肌瘤型)。



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