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Images of the Ottoman Empire: the photograph albums presented by Sultan Abdulhamid II

机译:奥斯曼帝国的图像:苏丹·阿卜杜勒哈米德二世(Sultan Abdulhamid II)赠送的相册



ONE of the treasures of the British Library's Turkish collections is the magnificent setof fifty-one ornately bound albums, containing in all over i,8oo photographs (albumenprints), which the Ottoman Sultan Abdlilhamid II presented to the British Museum in1893 and were received in 1894. (An almost identical set was given to the United StatesLibrary of Congress in the same years.) The contents represent a carefully pickedselection from the vast photographic collection amassed by the Sultan, whose completearchive of over 33,000 prints is preserved at the Istanbul University Library. The giftwas designed to show the Sultan, sovereign of a still considerable territory with a greathistory, as a reforming and enlightened ruler. Abdlilhamid II was an extraordinary figureand can be seen from many different viewpoints. It is not always easy for the reader tobelieve that the comprehensive character assassination by Sir Edwin Pears, the slightlyromantic, perhaps over-protective account by Joan Haslip, and the quasi-hagiographyby the Turkish writer Necip Fazil Kisakurek all really concern the same man. In fact,there is abundant scope and material for further research on the Sultan and the eventsof his reign, which lasted from 1876 to 1909. His photographs will surely play a part inthat process.
机译:大英图书馆土耳其文物的其中一件珍藏是一本宏伟的五十一本装订精美的专辑,其中包含i,8oo张照片(全版画),奥斯曼帝国苏丹阿卜杜勒·哈密德二世于1893年向大英博物馆展示并于1894年收到。 (在同一年中,美国国会图书馆几乎获得了相同的一套。)这些内容是从苏丹收集的大量摄影作品集中精心挑选的,苏丹博物馆将其33,000多幅印刷品的完整档案保存在伊斯坦布尔大学图书馆。礼物的目的是向苏丹展示改革者和开明的统治者,苏丹是一个仍然占很大领土并拥有悠久历史的君主。 Abdlilhamid II是一个非凡的人物,可以从许多不同的角度看到。读者并不总是容易相信埃德温·皮尔斯爵士(Edwin Pears)的全面性格暗杀,琼·哈斯利普(Joan Haslip)略显浪漫,也许过于保护主义的说法以及土耳其作家Necip Fazil Kisakurek的准全息术都确实涉及同一个人。实际上,从1876年到1909年,有关苏丹及其统治时期的事件有广泛的研究范围和材料。他的摄影作品一定会在其中发挥作用。



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