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Informational value and bias of videos related to orthodontics screened on a video-sharing Web site




Objective: To assess the informational value, intention, source, and bias of videos related to orthodontics screened by the video-sharing Internet platform YouTube. Methods: YouTube ( www.youtube.com ) was scanned in July 2010 for orthodontics-related videos using an adequately defined search term. Each of the first 30 search results of the scan was categorized with the system-generated sorts “by relevance” and “most viewed” (total: 60). These were rated independently by three assessors, who completed a questionnaire for each video. The data were analyzed statistically using Friedman's test for dependent samples, Kendall's tau, and Fleiss's kappa. Results: The YouTube scan produced 5140 results. There was a wide variety of information about orthodontics available on YouTube, and the highest proportion of videos was found to originate from orthodontic patients. These videos were also the most viewed ones. The informational content of most of the videos was generally judged to be low, with a rather poor to inadequate representation of the orthodontic profession, although a moderately pro-orthodontics stance prevailed. It was noticeable that the majority of contributions of orthodontists to YouTube constituted advertising. This tendency was not viewed positively by the majority of YouTube users, as was evident in the divergence in the proportions when sorting by “relevance” and “most viewed.” Conclusion: In the light of the very large number of people using the Internet as their primary source of information, orthodontists should recognize the importance of YouTube and similar social media Web sites in the opinion-forming process, especially in the case of adolescents.
机译:目的:评估由视频共享互联网平台YouTube筛选的与正畸相关的视频的信息价值,意图,来源和偏见。方法:2010年7月,使用适当定义的搜索词对YouTube(www.youtube.com)进行了正畸相关视频的扫描。扫描的前30个搜索结果中的每一个都按照系统生成的分类“按相关性”和“最常查看”进行分类(总计:60)。这些由三名评估者独立评估,他们为每个视频填写了一份问卷。使用弗里德曼检验对相关样本,Kendall氏tau和Fleiss的kappa进行统计分析。结果:YouTube扫描产生了5140个结果。 YouTube上提供了许多有关正畸的信息,并且发现视频中比例最高的是正畸患者。这些视频也是观看次数最多的视频。通常,大多数视频的信息内容被判定为低,尽管对牙齿矫正的态度较为普遍,但对牙齿矫正专业的表示却相当差或不足。值得注意的是,正畸医生对YouTube的大部分贡献都是广告。大多数YouTube用户对此趋势的看法都不乐观,这在按“相关性”和“观看次数最多”进行排序时所占的比例差异中就可以看出。结论:鉴于有大量人使用Internet作为主要信息来源,正畸医生应认识到YouTube和类似的社交媒体网站在形成意见的过程中的重要性,尤其是在青少年中。



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