首页> 外文期刊>Universidad del Zulia. Facultad de Agronomia. Revista >Effects of planting distance and weeding regime on green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) growth and yield

Effects of planting distance and weeding regime on green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) growth and yield

机译:种植距离和除草方式对绿豆(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)生长和产量的影响



Manipulation in planting distance can increase crop growth and yield by increasing radiation interception and minimizing intra- and inter-specific competition. To evaluate the effect of planting distance and weeding regime on green bean yield (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), an experiment was conducted as a randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement with three replicates in Ramsar, northern Iran, in 2013. The study factors were planting distance (30 x 30 cm, 40 x 20 cm and 50 x 20 cm), and weeding [a manual weeding, two weeding by hand, and weed control (not eliminated during whole period of crop growth)]. Analysis of variance showed that the main effects of planting distance and weeding regime were significant on green pod yield (P£0.01), while the interaction between them was not significant. Moreover, main effect of weeding regime was significant for weed dry biomass, while the main effect of planting distance and interaction between them were not significant. Mean comparison indicated that the highest and the lowest green pod yield were recorded for planting distances of 40 x 20 cm and 30 x 30 cm, respectively. Moreover, the highest green pod yield was recorded for two hand weedings, while the lowest ones were recorded for un-weeded plots. At the same time, the highest and the lowest weed dry biomass were recorded for un-weeded plots and plots with two hand weedings, respectively. In conclusion, planting distance of 40× 20 cm and two hand weeding during the crop growing period are recommended to get the highest fresh green bean pods por are recommended to get the highest fresh green bean pods.
机译:播种距离的控制可通过增加辐射的拦截以及使种内和种间竞争最小化来增加作物的生长和产量。为了评估播种距离和除草方式对绿豆产量(菜豆)的影响,2013年在伊朗北部拉姆萨尔市进行了一个有因子安排的随机完整区组,进行了三个重复试验。研究因素为播种距离(30 x 30厘米,40 x 20厘米和50 x 20厘米)和除草[手动除草,手工除草两次和除草(在整个作物生长期间均不消除)]。方差分析表明,种植距离和除草方式对绿豆荚产量的影响显着(P £ 0.01),而两者之间的交互作用并不显着。此外,除草方式对杂草干生物量的主要影响是显着的,而种植距离和它们之间的相互作用的主要作用并不显着。平均比较表明,分别以40 x 20 cm和30 x 30 cm的种植距离记录了最高和最低的绿豆荚产量。此外,记录了两只手除草的最高绿豆荚产量,而记录了未除草地块的最低绿荚豆产量。同时,分别记录了未除草地块和带有两次人工除草的地块的最高和最低杂草干生物量。总之,建议在作物生长期间进行40×20 cm的播种距离并用两只手除草,以获得最高的新鲜绿豆荚。



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