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Analyzing social experiments as implemented: A reexamination of the evidence from the HighScope Perry Preschool Program

机译:分析已实施的社会实验:HighScope Perry学龄前计划的证据的重新检验



Social experiments are powerful sources of information about the effectiveness of interventions. In practice, initial randomization plans are almost always compromised. Multiple hypotheses are frequently tested. “Significant” effects are often reported with p‐values that do not account for preliminary screening from a large candidate pool of possible effects. This paper develops tools for analyzing data from experiments as they are actually implemented. We apply these tools to analyze the influential HighScope Perry Preschool Program. The Perry program was a social experiment that provided preschool education and home visits to disadvantaged children during their preschool years. It was evaluated by the method of random assignment. Both treatments and controls have been followed from age 3 through age 40. Previous analyses of the Perry data assume that the planned randomization protocol was implemented. In fact, as in many social experiments, the intended randomization protocol was compromised. Accounting for compromised randomization, multiple‐hypothesis testing, and small sample sizes, we find statistically significant and economically important program effects for both males and females. We also examine the representativeness of the Perry study.
机译:社会实验是有关干预措施有效性的有力信息来源。实际上,最初的随机化计划几乎总是受到损害。经常检验多种假设。通常用p值报告“显着”影响,而p值并未考虑从大量可能的候选影响中进行初步筛选。本文开发了用于分析实际实施的实验数据的工具。我们使用这些工具来分析具有影响力的HighScope Perry学前教育计划。佩里计划是一项社会实验,为处于不利地位的学龄前儿童提供学前教育和家访。通过随机分配方法进行评估。从3岁到40岁都接受了治疗和对照。先前对Perry数据的分析假设已实施了计划的随机方案。实际上,正如在许多社交实验中一样,预期的随机协议遭到了破坏。考虑到随机化,多重假设检验和小样本量的影响,我们发现男性和女性的计划效果在统计上都具有重要的经济意义。我们还研究了佩里研究的代表性。



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