首页> 外文期刊>Public Policy and Administration Research >Challenges to Actualization of Decentralization Forest Management Functions: Experiences and Lessons on Devolving Forestry Management Functions in Kenya

Challenges to Actualization of Decentralization Forest Management Functions: Experiences and Lessons on Devolving Forestry Management Functions in Kenya




The first attempts to devolve forest management operation in Kenya started in 1997 when piloting of participatory forest management (PFM) was introduced. However, the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 that entrenched public consultation and creation of two level of government at national and county levels that provided sound legal framework for devolution of natural resources management in the country. Several pieces of forestry legislation and transitional implementation plans on last forest management including devolution guidelines have been launched since then. However, there has been limited work on performance of forest devolution processes and associated challenges. In 2017, KEFRI initiated a study in Kilifi, Kwale, Mombasa, Lamu and Taita Taveta Counties in the Coast region of Kenya to determine how forest devolution was being undertaken and propose intervention actions to enhance devolution framework. The study was done through literature reviews on policy and legislative instruments, questionnaires, Key informant interviews and Focus group discussion. The study revealed that Kenya Forest Service has operationalized devolution of forest activities through development of devolution framework the Transitional Implementation Plans that have been signed with couple of counties. The transition process according to the findings was done without adequate consultation with county governments most of which were not prepared legally, financially and management capacity to handle forest management matters. Therefore most counties that had signed the transitional implementation plans with Kenya Forest Service had actualized their forest management operations. The study recommends that the transitional process from national to county levels should be gradual with Kenya Forest Service providing technical backstopping to the counties until they are able to effectively manage the devolved forestry functions. The counties need to build their capacity on forest management and access to financial resources to fund forest operations.
机译:肯尼亚首次尝试将森林经营活动下放,始于1997年,当时引入了参与性森林经营(PFM)试点。但是,《 2010年肯尼亚宪法》的颁布加强了公众咨询,并在国家和县两级建立了两个级别的政府,这为该国自然资源管理的下放提供了良好的法律框架。从那以后,已经启动了几项关于最后森林管理的林业立法和过渡实施计划,包括权力下放指南。但是,关于森林权力下放过程的绩效和相关挑战的工作有限。 2017年,KEFRI在肯尼亚沿海地区的Kilifi,Kwale,蒙巴萨,Lamu和Taita Taveta县启动了一项研究,以确定森林转移的方式并提出干预行动以增强转移框架。该研究是通过对政策和立法工具的文献综述,问卷调查,关键知情人访谈和焦点小组讨论来完成的。该研究表明,肯尼亚森林管理局通过制定权力下放框架(已与几个县签署的过渡实施计划),已将森林活动的下放运作化。根据调查结果进行的过渡过程未与县政府进行充分协商,而大多数县政府在法律,财务和管理能力方面均未做好处理森林管理事宜的准备。因此,大多数与肯尼亚森林局签署过渡实施计划的县都已经实现了他们的森林管理业务。该研究建议,肯尼亚国家林业局应向县逐步提供从国家级到县级的过渡过程,直到它们能够有效地管理下放的林业职能时,才向各县提供技术支持。县需要建立森林管理能力,并获得财政资源以资助森林经营。



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