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Body Size of the Monomorphic AntLasius niger: Young Colonies along a Metal Pollution Gradient

机译:变形的AntLasius niger的体型:沿金属污染梯度的年轻菌落



Metal pollution may cause the decrease in the individual body size. In ants, themorphological diversity within and between colonies may be much higher than thatconsidered before, even in monomorphic ants. In this study we measured the body size,expressed as head width, ofLasius nigerworkers collected from 44 young colonies in theirergonomic stage along a well-known gradient exhibiting chronic metal pollution. Wecalculated statistics describing the body size distribution curve, namely, average, median, datarange, skewness, and kurtosis. None of these statistics correlated with the pollution level. Contrary to our previous study performed on mature colonies, workers from young coloniesdo not display pollution-related morphological changes. The results stress the importance ofdevelopmental stage of colony on diversifying body size of the worker cast, in monomorphicants living in metal-polluted areas.
机译:金属污染可能会导致个体体型缩小。在蚂蚁中,即使在单态蚂蚁中,菌落内和菌落之间的形态多样性也可能比以前考虑的要高得多。在这项研究中,我们测量了人体工学阶段从44个年轻菌落中收集的Lasius niger工人的身体大小(以头宽表示),该过程沿已知的梯度表现出慢性金属污染。我们计算了描述身体大小分布曲线的统计数据,即平均值,中位数,数据范围,偏度和峰度。这些统计数据均与污染水平无关。与我们先前对成熟菌落进行的研究相反,年轻菌落的工人没有表现出与污染相关的形态变化。研究结果强调了居住在金属污染地区的单态性菌落中菌落发育阶段对多样化工作人员体型的重要性。



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