首页> 外文期刊>Nova Economia >Economic mainstream and power: a profile analysis of Central Bank directors during PSDB and PT governments in Brazil

Economic mainstream and power: a profile analysis of Central Bank directors during PSDB and PT governments in Brazil




This paper analyses the professional and educational backgrounds of members of the Board of Directors of Central Bank of Brazil in the period between the beginning of the first Fernando Henriquea??s term and the end of Dilma Rousseffa??s first term. The paper puts forward two novelties. First, a database synthesizing the information from the curricula of the abovementioned individuals. Second, modern literature in the field of methodology of economics is used to categorize the educational backgrounds of those individuals with education in economics. Our general findings point to a differentiation between two types of members in the Board of Directors. The first type is the one generally recruited for the positions concerned with organizational issues within the Bank, and the second is usually the one that occupies posts directly related to the decision making of economic policies. However, we did not identify significant differences between the types of individuals chosen by PSDB and PT governments.
机译:本文分析了巴西中央银行董事会成员在第一任费尔南多·恩里里卡(Fernando Henriquea)任期开始至迪尔玛·罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseffa)第一任期结束之间的职业和教育背景。本文提出了两个新颖之处。首先,一个数据库综合了上述个人课程中的信息。其次,经济学方法论领域的现代文学被用来对那些接受经济学教育的人的教育背景进行分类。我们的总体调查结果表明,董事会的两种成员之间存在差异。第一种是通常为世行内部与组织问题有关的职位而招聘的职位,第二种通常是占据与经济政策决策直接相关的职位的职位。但是,我们没有发现PSDB和PT政府选择的个人类型之间存在显着差异。



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