首页> 外文期刊>Practical Laboratory Medicine >Should sex differences be considered when applying mathematical indices and formulas for discriminating β- thalassemia minor from iron deficiency?

Should sex differences be considered when applying mathematical indices and formulas for discriminating β- thalassemia minor from iron deficiency?




Background β-thalassemia minor (BTM) and iron deficiency (ID) are common disorders characterized by microcytosis and/or hypochromasia, leading to a challenge in their discrimination during mass-screening programs especially in developing countries where resources are limited. It has been shown with varying reliability that quick exclusion of either disorder could be achieved mathematically using RBC-based indices and formulas. However, none of these proposed indices and formulas considered the sex-based hematological differences. This comparative retrospective study examined the efficacy of using sex-based RBC indices in the mathematical discrimination BTM and ID in adult males and females. Methods The CBC of randomly selected eight hundred adults diagnosed with BTM or ID (200M & 200F BTM, and 200M & 200F ID) were used in the comparisons. The discrimination power, in terms of sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio, and Youden index were calculated for all subjects and separately for males and females for 20 mathematical indices and formulas. Results Data revealed significant differences in the RBC-based indices between males and females for both BTM and ID groups. Significant variation in reliability indicators for the different indices and formulas were discovered between males and females samples. Conclusion Sex-based indices and formulas are necessary to improve the reliability in mathematically discriminating between BTM and ID in mass screening programs. We also advocate for a large–scale multicenter study to establish the parameters of such indices and formulas with sex and age.
机译:背景轻度β地中海贫血(BTM)和铁缺乏症(ID)是常见的疾病,其特征是微胞吞症和/或色素减退,导致在大规模筛查计划期间,尤其是在资源有限的发展中国家,对其歧视提出了挑战。已经显示出不同的可靠性,可以使用基于RBC的索引和公式在数学上快速排除任何一种疾病。但是,这些提议的指标和公式均未考虑基于性别的血液学差异。这项比较性回顾性研究检查了在成年男性和女性的数学区别BTM和ID中使用基于性别的RBC指数的功效。方法采用随机选取的800名被诊断为BTM或ID(200M和200F BTM,以及200M和200F ID)的成年人的CBC进行比较。计算敏感性,特异性,阳性似然比,阴性似然比和Youden指数的区分能力,针对所有受试者,分别针对男性和女性计算20个数学指标和公式。结果数据显示,BTM和ID组的男性和女性在基于RBC的指数方面存在显着差异。在男性和女性样本之间,针对不同指标和公式的可靠性指标存在显着差异。结论基于性别的指标和公式对于提高数学筛查程序中BTM和ID的数学区分的可靠性是必要的。我们还提倡进行大规模的多中心研究,以建立具有性别和年龄的指标和公式的参数。



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