首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences >Assessment of freshwater ecosystem services in the Beas River Basin, Himalayas region, India

Assessment of freshwater ecosystem services in the Beas River Basin, Himalayas region, India




River systems provide a diverse range of ecosystem services, examples include: flood regulation (regulating), fish (provisioning), nutrient cycling (supporting) and recreation (cultural). Developing water resources through the construction of dams (hydropower or irrigation) can enhance the delivery of provisioning ecosystem services. However, these hydrologic alterations result in reductions in less tangible regulating, cultural and supporting ecosystem services. This study seeks to understand how multiple impoundments, abstractions and transfers within the upper Beas River Basin, Western Himalayas, India, are affecting the delivery of supporting ecosystem services. Whilst approaches for assessing supporting ecosystem services are under development, the immediate aim of this paper is to set out a framework for their quantification, using the macroinvertebrate index Lotic-Invertebrate Index for Flow Evaluation (LIFE). LIFE is a weighted measure of the flow velocity preferences of the macroinvertebrate community. Flow records from multiple gauging stations within the basin were used to investigate flow variability at seasonal, inter-annual and decadal time scales. The findings show that both mean monthly and seasonal cumulative flows have decreased over time in the Beas River Basin. A positive hydroecological relationship between LIFE and flow was also identified, indicative of macroinvertebrate response to seasonal changes in the flow regime. For example, high LIFE scores (7.7–9.3) in the winter and summer seasons indicate an abundance of macroinvertebrates with a preference for high flows; this represents a high potential for instream supporting ecosystem services delivery. However, further analysis is required to understand these hydroecological interactions in the study basin and the impact on instream supporting ecosystem services delivery.
机译:河流系统提供各种生态系统服务,例如:洪水调节(调节),鱼类(提供),养分循环(支持)和娱乐(文化)。通过建造水坝(水力发电或灌溉)来开发水资源可以增强提供生态系统服务的能力。但是,这些水文变化导致不太明显的调节,文化和支持生态系统服务减少。这项研究旨在了解印度西部喜马拉雅山比斯河上游流域内的多次蓄水,开采和转移如何影响生态系统支持服务的提供。虽然评估支持生态系统服务的方法正在开发中,但本文的直接目的是使用宏观无脊椎动物指数Lotic-Influebrate Index for Flow Evaluation(LIFE)建立量化框架。 LIFE是大型无脊椎动物群落流速偏好的加权度量。流域内多个测量站的流量记录用于调查季节性,年际和年代际尺度的流量变化。研究结果表明,比斯河流域的平均每月和季节性累积流量均随时间减少。 LIFE和流量之间的正水生态关系也被确定,表明大型无脊椎动物对流量变化的季节性响应。例如,在冬季和夏季,LIFE得分较高(7.7-9.3),表明大量无脊椎动物,偏爱高流量。这代表着在上游支持生态系统服务交付的巨大潜力。然而,需要进一步的分析来了解研究盆地中的这些水生态相互作用以及对支持生态系统服务的河床的影响。



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