首页> 外文期刊>Preventing chronic disease >Body Weight Dissatisfaction Among Israeli Jewish and Arab Women With Normal or Overweight-Obese Body Mass Index, Israeli INHIS-1, 2003-2004

Body Weight Dissatisfaction Among Israeli Jewish and Arab Women With Normal or Overweight-Obese Body Mass Index, Israeli INHIS-1, 2003-2004




IntroductionIn Israel, 58.9% of Jewish and Arab Israeli women aged 25 to 64 years are overweight or obese (body mass index ≥25 kg/m2). The objective of this analysis is to describe body weight dissatisfaction differences between Jewish and Arab Israeli women with normal or overweight-obese body mass index.MethodsThis analysis included 1,393 Jewish and Arab women who participated in the Israeli National Health Interview Survey, 2003-2004. The survey covered a random sample of the Israeli general population aged 21 years or older. All variables were based on self-report. Body weight dissatisfaction was a multiple-choice question in the survey that offered the following responses: very satisfied, satisfied, reasonably satisfied, not satisfied, or very unsatisfied. Univariate and multivariate analyses wereconducted.ResultsOverall, 39.1% of Jewish women reported body weight dissatisfaction, compared with 29.1% of Arab women. Older overweight-obese Arab women had a lower prevalence of body weight dissatisfaction than Jewish women of the same age group, which indicates cultural differences in body weight dissatisfaction among older overweight-obese women. However, cultural differences do not appear to influence body weight dissatisfaction among younger Jewish and Arab women of normal weight.ConclusionThis study suggests that Jewish and Arab women differ in their perceptions of body weight. Interventions tailored to each group are needed to promote healthy dietary and physical activity behaviors.
机译:简介在以色列,年龄在25至64岁之间的犹太和阿拉伯以色列妇女中有58.9%是超重或肥胖(体重指数≥25kg / m2)。这项分析的目的是描述体重指数正常或超重的犹太和阿拉伯以色列妇女之间的体重不满差异。方法该分析包括参加2003-2004年以色列国民健康访问调查的1,393名犹太和阿拉伯妇女。该调查随机抽取了21岁以上的以色列总人口。所有变量均基于自我报告。体重不满是调查中的多项选择题,回答如下:非常满意,满意,合理满意,不满意或非常不满意。结果进行了单因素和多因素分析。总的来说,有39.1%的犹太妇女报告称体重不满意,而阿拉伯妇女为29.1%。肥胖超重的老年阿拉伯妇女的体重不满发生率比同年龄段的犹太妇女低,这表明肥胖超重的老年妇女在文化上对体重不满意的差异。但是,文化差异似乎并未影响体重正常的年轻犹太妇女和阿拉伯妇女对体重的不满。结论本研究表明,犹太妇女和阿拉伯妇女对体重的看法有所不同。需要针对每个组量身定制干预措施,以促进健康的饮食和身体活动行为。



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