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Embedding Emotional Intelligence into Military Training Contexts




Even the most junior Warfighters must effectively interact and negotiate with locals from communities that do not share their religious beliefs, social perspectives or customs. These cultural differences introduce a layer of uncertainty into chaotic operational contexts that are marked by moments of intense stress, and often contribute to strong emotional responses such as anxiety or anger. Unchecked, these emotional responses can escalate and lead Warfighters to make judgments and decisions they might not otherwise make. In high stakes situations, even the slightest mistake may have tragic consequences; thus, a need exists to equip Warfighters with skills that allow them to recognize/regulate their emotions. Emotional Intelligence (EI) “is the ability to monitor one's own and other's feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions” [1]. Learning effective strategies to manage our emotions is critical for laying a strong foundation for the development of positive relationships [2,3]. Being able to effectively build positive relationships in diverse settings is a key attribute of cross cultural competence that may be improved through EI training. By practicing emotion recognition/regulation strategies, individuals will begin to replace ineffective decision-making with productive responses to challenging situations. In order to understand how emotions can influence decision making and social judgment, various moderating factors need to be considered, including cultural, group, and individual differences in emotional recognition/regulation [4]. We provide a brief overview of the operational need, define the basic tenets of EI, and describe how this approach could be implemented within an existing military training setting. We describe how emotion recognition and regulation skills would be exercised and evaluated and list potential benefits of using immersive training for skill development. Finally, we conclude with recommendations for future research and development in this area.
机译:即使是最初级的战士,也必须与不认同其宗教信仰,社会观点或风俗的社区的当地人进行有效的互动和谈判。这些文化差异给混乱的操作环境带来了不确定性,这些环境的特点是时刻承受着巨大的压力,并常常导致强烈的情绪反应,如焦虑或愤怒。这些情绪反应不受控制地会升级并导致战士做出他们原本无法做出的判断和决定。在高风险情况下,即使是最轻微的错误也可能造成悲惨的后果。因此,需要使战士具备使他们能够识别/调节情绪的技能。情绪智力(EI)“是一种能够监视自己和他人的感觉和情感,加以区别并使用此信息来指导自己的思想和行为的能力” [1]。学习有效的策略来控制我们的情绪对于为发展积极的关系打下坚实的基础至关重要[2,3]。能够在各种环境中有效建立积极的关系是跨文化能力的关键属性,可以通过EI培训来提高这种能力。通过练习情绪识别/调节策略,个人将开始用对挑战性情况的富有成效的反应来代替无效的决策。为了理解情绪如何影响决策和社会判断,需要考虑各种调节因素,包括情绪识别/调节中的文化,群体和个体差异[4]。我们简要介绍了作战需求,定义了EI的基本原则,并描述了如何在现有的军事训练环境中实施这种方法。我们描述了如何运用和评估情绪识别和调节技能,并列举了使用沉浸式训练进行技能开发的潜在好处。最后,我们总结了对该领域未来研究和开发的建议。



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