首页> 外文期刊>Present Environment and Sustainable Development >The Physical and Biochemical Peculiarities of Representative Soils in Giurgeu Mountains

The Physical and Biochemical Peculiarities of Representative Soils in Giurgeu Mountains




The analyses for the description of physic-chemical and humus fractional characteristics have been determined for two soil subtypes, respectively four soil profiles, that are representative for the lower altitudes area of Giurgeu Mountains. The analysis has been based on: one Andi-Eutric Cambisols (EC an- 920 m alt.) and three Cambic Andosols (AN ca) situated at different altitudes: 1120-1140 m, 1197 m and 1310 m. The purpose of the research is to indentify some quantitative and qualitative differences in regards to some organic and inorganic components from the soil. Have come into prominence the sum of exchangeable bases, the total acidity exchange, the degree of base saturation and other aspects related to organic accumulation (the highest in Cambic Andosols: 1120-1140 m alt.), degree of humification (higher for the same Andosol and variable for the one from 1310 m alt.), the distribution curve on the profile of chemical and biochemical humic components. In terms of quality, there are differences in regard to the humification degree of organic matter, the dynamic on the profile of the main humus fractions (humic acids, fulvic acids, non-extractable material) forming the horizons of accumulation for some of the fractions.
机译:已经确定了两种土壤亚型的物理化学和腐殖质分数特征的描述分析,分别代表了四种土壤剖面,它们代表了基尔古格山脉的低海拔地区。分析的依据是:一处安第-欧洲坎比索尔(EC an-920 m。高度)和三处坎比克安多索尔(AN ca)位于不同的高度:1120-1140 m,1197 m和1310 m。该研究的目的是确定一些与土壤中有机和无机成分有关的数量和质量上的差异。突出了可交换碱的总和,总酸度交换,碱饱和度和其他与有机质积累有关的方面(坎比克安多索尔峰最高:1120-1140 m alt),腐化度(相同时较高) Andosol和变量为1310 m高度之一),化学和生物化学腐殖质成分的分布曲线。在质量方面,有机物的腐殖度,主要腐殖质组分(腐殖酸,黄腐酸,不可提取物质)的动态变化构成了某些组分的积累范围。



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