首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine Reports >Skin cancer knowledge, awareness, beliefs and preventive behaviors among black and hispanic men and women

Skin cancer knowledge, awareness, beliefs and preventive behaviors among black and hispanic men and women




Black and Hispanic populations perceive their skin cancer risk to be low and are less likely to use sun protection strategies. We conducted formative research to understand knowledge, awareness, beliefs, and behaviors among these groups. In 2017, eighteen focus groups were conducted with black and Hispanic respondents(18–44?years) in four US cities. Groups were segmented by participant characteristics associated with elevated or lower risk for skin cancer, by race/ethnicity, gender, and age. A professional moderator followed a semi-structured discussion guide, and focus group transcripts were analyzed using conventional content analysis and NVIVO 11 Software. Most participants perceived themselves to be at low skin cancer risk due to their “darker skin tone” and/or “lack of family history.” Skin cancer signs and symptoms were more inconsistently reported by blacks than Hispanics. Few participants reported regular sun protection behaviors. Those who did used sunscreen, wore protective clothing, and had elevated risk based on sun sensitivity or UV exposure. While most participants recalled family discussions (as youth) about sunscreen and sun protection, the understood intent was to warn against “further skin darkening” or to “prevent aging,” not to reduce sun burns or skin cancer risk. Tanning bed use was low across all segments, especially among black respondents. Tailored skin cancer prevention campaigns need to address misperceptions about risks and benefits of skin cancer prevention behaviors among black and Hispanic populations. Families, peer groups, and healthcare providers need to be engaged in the creation of educational interventions and messaging efforts that target these populations.
机译:黑人和西班牙裔人口认为他们患皮肤癌的风险很低,并且不太可能使用防晒策略。我们进行了形成性研究,以了解这些群体之间的知识,意识,信念和行为。 2017年,在美国四个城市与黑人和西班牙裔受访者(18-44岁)进行了18次焦点小组讨论。根据种族/族裔,性别和年龄,将与皮肤癌高风险或低风险相关的参与者特征进行分组。专业主持人遵循半结构化的讨论指南,并使用常规内容分析和NVIVO 11软件分析了焦点小组的笔录。大多数参与者认为自己的“较暗肤色”和/或“缺乏家族史”使自己患上皮肤癌的风险降低。与西班牙裔相比,黑人报告皮肤癌的体征和症状更为不一致。很少有参与者报告了常规的防晒行为。那些曾经使用过防晒霜,穿着防护服并且由于日晒敏感性或紫外线暴露而具有较高风险的人。尽管大多数参与者都回想起了家庭时代(青年时期)关于防晒霜和防晒的讨论,但人们理解的目的是警告您不要“进一步使皮肤变黑”或“防止衰老”,而不是减少晒伤或皮肤癌的风险。在所有细分市场中,晒黑床的使用率都很低,尤其是在黑人受访者中。量身定制的预防皮肤癌运动需要解决对黑人和西班牙裔人群预防皮肤癌行为的风险和益处的误解。家庭,同龄人团体和医疗保健提供者需要参与针对这些人群的教育干预措施和消息传递工作。



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