首页> 外文期刊>Pollution Atmospherique >Aide aux décideurs - évaluation des co?ts et des bénéfices sanitaires de politiques de lutte contre la pollution de l’air

Aide aux décideurs - évaluation des co?ts et des bénéfices sanitaires de politiques de lutte contre la pollution de l’air




An integrated modelling chain capable of evaluating air pollution policies with respect to their costs, their impacts on air quality and associated health effects was implemented at INERIS. It allows quantifying and monetising health effects of both individual emission reduction measures and policy scenarios (complex sets of measures), and also taking into account the air quality impact of climate change.The paper briefly presents this modelling chain and illustrates different application domains based on examples of recent decision support and research projects.The results of these studies show that many policy measures aimed at improving air quality that are currently envisaged will entail health benefits the monetary value of which exceeds the policies’ costs by large. They also illustrate the advantages of international cooperation in combatting air pollution.



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