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Implementation and Scale-Up of Psycho-Trauma Centers in a Post-Conflict Area: A Case Study of a Private–Public Partnership in Northern Uganda




Since declaring independence from the British in 1962, the Republic of Uganda has experienced three-and-a-half decades of protracted civil war. No region of the country has been spared. In 1987, the Holy Spirit Uprising [1] gave rise to renewed conflict in the northern regions; since then, the movement has grown into the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) Insurrection. This rebel group, led by Joseph Kony, waged war not only against the Uganda People's Defense Force, but also against civilians residing in the area. As a consequence, the majority of northern Uganda's population has directly experienced mass violence, and more than 1.8 million civilians have lived in squalid camps as internally displaced persons (IDPs) [2]. In 2006, the Ugandan government began negotiating potential peace accords with the LRA, and a permanent cease-fire agreement was signed between the two parties in 2008. Despite signs that the conflict may be coming to an end, the impacts of war remain.
机译:自1962年宣布脱离英国独立以来,乌干达共和国经历了长达三年半的旷日持久的内战。该国没有一个地区幸免。 1987年,圣灵起义[1]在北部地区引起了新的冲突。从那时起,该运动已发展为上帝的抵抗军(LRA)起义。这个由约瑟夫·科尼(Joseph Kony)领导的叛军团体不仅对乌干达人民国防军发动战争,而且还对居住在该地区的平民发动了战争。结果,乌干达北部的大多数人口直接遭受了大规模暴力,超过180万平民以国内流离失所者的身份居住在肮脏的营地中[2]。 2006年,乌干达政府开始与上帝军谈判潜在的和平协定,并在2008年签署了永久停火协议。尽管有迹象表明冲突可能即将结束,但战争的影响仍然存在。



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