首页> 外文期刊>PLoS Computational Biology >Interplay between Graph Topology and Correlations of Third Order in Spiking Neuronal Networks

Interplay between Graph Topology and Correlations of Third Order in Spiking Neuronal Networks




Author Summary Many biological phenomena can be viewed as dynamical processes on a graph. Understanding coordinated activity of nodes in such a network is of some importance, as it helps to characterize the behavior of the complex system. Of course, the topology of a network plays a pivotal role in determining the level of coordination among its different vertices. In particular, correlations between triplets of events (here: action potentials generated by neurons) have recently garnered some interest in the theoretical neuroscience community. In this paper, we present a decomposition of an average measure of third-order coordinated activity of neurons in a spiking neuronal network in terms of the relevant topological motifs present in the underlying graph. We study different network topologies and show, in particular, that the presence of certain tree motifs in the synaptic connectivity graph greatly affects the strength of third-order correlations between spike trains of different neurons.



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