首页> 外文期刊>PLoS Biology >Neuronal Hyperactivity Disturbs ATP Microgradients, Impairs Microglial Motility, and Reduces Phagocytic Receptor Expression Triggering Apoptosis/Microglial Phagocytosis Uncoupling

Neuronal Hyperactivity Disturbs ATP Microgradients, Impairs Microglial Motility, and Reduces Phagocytic Receptor Expression Triggering Apoptosis/Microglial Phagocytosis Uncoupling




Phagocytosis is essential to maintain tissue homeostasis in a large number of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, but its role in the diseased brain is poorly explored. Recent findings suggest that in the adult hippocampal neurogenic niche, where the excess of newborn cells undergo apoptosis in physiological conditions, phagocytosis is efficiently executed by surveillant, ramified microglia. To test whether microglia are efficient phagocytes in the diseased brain as well, we confronted them with a series of apoptotic challenges and discovered a generalized response. When challenged with excitotoxicity in vitro (via the glutamate agonist NMDA) or inflammation in vivo (via systemic administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharides or by omega 3 fatty acid deficient diets), microglia resorted to different strategies to boost their phagocytic efficiency and compensate for the increased number of apoptotic cells, thus maintaining phagocytosis and apoptosis tightly coupled. Unexpectedly, this coupling was chronically lost in a mouse model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) as well as in hippocampal tissue resected from individuals with MTLE, a major neurological disorder characterized by seizures, excitotoxicity, and inflammation. Importantly, the loss of phagocytosis/apoptosis coupling correlated with the expression of microglial proinflammatory, epileptogenic cytokines, suggesting its contribution to the pathophysiology of epilepsy. The phagocytic blockade resulted from reduced microglial surveillance and apoptotic cell recognition receptor expression and was not directly mediated by signaling through microglial glutamate receptors. Instead, it was related to the disruption of local ATP microgradients caused by the hyperactivity of the hippocampal network, at least in the acute phase of epilepsy. Finally, the uncoupling led to an accumulation of apoptotic newborn cells in the neurogenic niche that was due not to decreased survival but to delayed cell clearance after seizures. These results demonstrate that the efficiency of microglial phagocytosis critically affects the dynamics of apoptosis and urge to routinely assess the microglial phagocytic efficiency in neurodegenerative disorders. Phagocytosis by microglia is tightly coupled to apoptosis, swiftly removing apoptotic cells and actively maintaining tissue homeostasis, but the neuronal hyperactivity associated with epilepsy disrupts the ATP gradients that drive phagocytosis, leading to the accumulation of apoptotic cells and inflammation. Author Summary Phagocytosis, the engulfment and digestion of cellular debris, is at the core of the regenerative response of the damaged tissue, because it prevents the spillover of toxic intracellular contents and is actively anti-inflammatory. In the brain, the professional phagocytes are microglia, whose dynamic processes rapidly engulf and degrade cells undergoing apoptosis—programmed cell death—in physiological conditions. Thus, microglia hold the key to brain regeneration, but their efficiency as phagocytes in the diseased brain is only presumed. Here, we have discovered a generalized response of microglia to apoptotic challenge induced by excitotoxicity and inflammation, in which they boost their phagocytic efficiency to account for the increase in apoptosis. To our surprise, this apoptosis/microglial phagocytosis coupling was lost in the hippocampus from human and experimental mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), a major neurodegenerative disorder characterized by excitotoxicity, inflammation, and seizures. This uncoupling was due to widespread ATP release during neuronal hyperactivity, which “blinded” microglia to the ATP microgradients released by apoptotic cells as “find-me” signals. The impairment of phagocytosis led to the accumulation of apoptotic cells and the build-up of a detrimental inflammatory reaction. Our data advocates for systematic assessment of the efficiency of microglial phagocytosis in brain disorders.
机译:吞噬作用对于维持多种炎性和自身免疫性疾病的组织稳态是必不可少的,但在患病的大脑中的作用却鲜有研究。最近的发现表明,在成年海马神经源性小生境中,过量的新生细胞在生理条件下会发生凋亡,吞噬作用可以通过监视的,分枝的小胶质细胞有效地执行。为了测试小胶质细胞在患病的大脑中是否也是有效的吞噬细胞,我们面对了一系列的凋亡挑战,并发现了普遍的反应。当在体外(通过谷氨酸激动剂NMDA)或在体内(通过全身施用细菌脂多糖或通过omega 3脂肪酸缺乏饮食)受到兴奋性毒性挑战时,小胶质细胞会采取不同的策略来提高其吞噬效率并补偿数量的增加凋亡细胞,从而保持吞噬作用和凋亡紧密耦合。出乎意料的是,这种耦合在小鼠颞叶颞叶癫痫(MTLE)模型以及从MTLE个体切除的海马组织中长期丢失,MTLE是一种以癫痫发作,兴奋性中毒和炎症为特征的主要神经系统疾病。重要的是,吞噬作用/细胞凋亡偶联的丧失与小神经胶质促炎,致癫痫细胞因子的表达有关,表明其对癫痫的病理生理学的贡献。吞噬细胞的阻滞是由于减少的小胶质细胞监测和凋亡细胞识别受体的表达所致,而不是通过小胶质细胞谷氨酸受体的信号传导直接介导的。取而代之的是,至少在癫痫的急性期,它与海马网络过度活跃引起的局部ATP微梯度的破坏有关。最后,解偶联导致神经源性利基中凋亡的新生细胞积聚,这不是由于存活率降低而是癫痫发作后细胞清除延迟所致。这些结果表明,小胶质细胞吞噬作用的效率严重影响细胞凋亡的动力学,并敦促常规评估神经退行性疾病中的小胶质细胞吞噬效率。小胶质细胞吞噬作用与细胞凋亡紧密结合,迅速清除凋亡细胞并积极维持组织稳态,但与癫痫相关的神经元过度活跃破坏了驱动吞噬作用的ATP梯度,导致凋亡细胞的积累和炎症。作者总结吞噬作用是细胞碎片的吞噬和消化,是受损组织再生反应的核心,因为它可以防止有毒的细胞内物质溢出,并具有积极的抗炎作用。在大脑中,专业的吞噬细胞是小胶质细胞,其动态过程迅速吞噬并降解在生理条件下经历凋亡(程序性细胞死亡)的细胞。因此,小胶质细胞是大脑再生的关键,但只能推测它们在患病的大脑中作为吞噬细胞的效率。在这里,我们发现了小胶质细胞对由兴奋性毒性和炎症引起的凋亡挑战的普遍反应,其中它们提高了吞噬效率,以说明细胞凋亡的增加。令我们惊讶的是,这种凋亡/小胶质细胞吞噬作用偶联在人和实验性颞叶颞叶癫痫(MTLE)中是在海马中丢失的,后者是一种以兴奋性毒性,炎症和癫痫为特征的主要神经退行性疾病。这种解偶联是由于神经元活动过度期间广泛的ATP释放所致,后者使小胶质细胞“盲目”为凋亡细胞释放的ATP微梯度,即“ find-me”信号。吞噬作用的损害导致凋亡细胞的积累和有害炎症反应的积累。我们的数据主张对脑部疾病中小胶质细胞吞噬作用的效率进行系统评估。


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