首页> 外文期刊>Physics letters >Directed flow of charm quarks as a witness of the initial strong magnetic field in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions

Directed flow of charm quarks as a witness of the initial strong magnetic field in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions




Ultra-relativistic Heavy-Ion Collision (HIC) generates very strong initial magnetic field ( B → ) inducing a vorticity in the reaction plane. The high B → influences the evolution dynamics that is opposed by the large Faraday current due to electric field generated by the time varying B → . We show that the resultant effects entail a significantly large directed flow ( v 1 ) of charm quarks (CQs) compared to light quarks due to a combination of several favorable conditions for CQs, mainly: (i) unlike light quarks formation time scale of CQs, τ f ? 0.1 ? fm / c is comparable to the time scale when B → attains its maximum value and (ii) the kinetic relaxation time of CQs is similar to the QGP lifetime, this helps the CQ to retain the initial kick picked up from the electromagnetic field in the transverse direction. The effect is also odd under charge exchange allowing to distinguish it from the vorticity of the bulk matter due to the initial angular momentum conservation; conjointly thanks to its mass, M c Λ Q C D , there should be no mixing with the chiral magnetic dynamics. Hence CQs provide very crucial and independent information on the strength of the magnetic field produced in HIC.
机译:超相对论重离子碰撞(HIC)产生非常强的初始磁场(B→),从而在反应平面中引起涡旋。高B→影响进化动力学,而动态法拉第电流则由时变B→产生的电场所抵消。我们表明,由于轻质夸克的几个有利条件的组合,与轻质夸克相比,合成夸克需要极大地吸引魅力夸克(CQs)的定向流(v 1),主要是:(i)与轻质夸克的轻夸克形成时间尺度不同,τf? 0.1? fm / c与B→达到最大值时的时标相当(ii)CQs的动力学弛豫时间类似于QGP寿命,这有助于CQ保持从电磁场中拾取的初始反冲。横向。由于最初的角动量守恒,电荷交换下的效果也很奇怪,可以将其与块状物质的涡度区分开来。总而言之,由于其质量M cΛQ C D,手性磁动力学不应混和。因此,CQ可提供有关HIC产生的磁场强度的非常关键且独立的信息。



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