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Pion valence quark distributions from maximum entropy method




Valence quark distributions of pion at very low resolution scaleQ02~0.1GeV2are deduced from a maximum entropy method, under the assumption that pion consists of only a valence quark and a valence anti-quark at such a low scale. Taking the obtained initial quark distributions as the nonperturbative input in the modified Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi (with the GLR-MQ-ZRS corrections) evolution, the generated valence quark distribution functions at highQ2are consistent with the measured ones from a Drell-Yan experiment. The maximum entropy method is also applied to estimate the valence quark distributions at relatively higherQ2=0.26GeV2. At this higher scale, other components (sea quarks and gluons) should be considered in order to match the experimental data. The first three moments of pion quark distributions at highQ2are calculated and compared with the other theoretical predictions.
机译:假定介子仅由一个价夸克和一个价反夸克组成,因此从极大熵方法推导了分辨率很低的Q02〜0.1GeV2介子的价夸克分布。将获得的初始夸克分布作为改进的Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi(经GLR-MQ-ZRS校正)演化中的非扰动输入,在highQ2处生成的化合价夸克分布函数与Drell测得的一致-严实验。最大熵方法还用于估计相对较高的Q2 = 0.26GeV2的价夸克分布。在更高的规模上,应考虑其他成分(海夸克和胶子)以匹配实验数据。计算了在高Q2处的介子夸克分布的前三个矩,并将其与其他理论预测值进行了比较。



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