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Oxidation of Amino Acids by Chlorpromazine Cation Radical and Co-Catalysis by Chlorpromazine




The long-tem use of chlorpromazine (CPZ) may cause severe side effects. This property of CPZ might be related to pro-oxidant effects of the chlorpromazine cation radical (CPZ·+), which can be easily generated by catalytic action of peroxidases, including the neutrophil myeloperoxidase (MPO) and by methemoglobin. Aiming the comprehension of a putative physiological effect of CPZ·+ upon biomolecules, in this work we studied the reactivity of CPZ·+ with amino acids and the co-catalytic effect of CPZ during the oxidation of amino acids by horseradish peroxidase (HRP)/H2O2 system. We also studied whether natural blood plasma components as ascorbic acid, uric acid and nitrite could inhibit the oxidative effect of CPZ·+. We found that tryptophan, tyrosine and cysteine were easily oxidized by pure CPZ·+. Other amino acids as methionine, glycine, phenylalanine, aspartic acid and lysine were unreactive. The decomposition of CPZ·+ was exacerbated by uric acid, ascorbic acid and nitrite, provoking inhibition in the amino acids oxidation. In experiments with HRP/H2O2, and using CPZ as a co-catalyst, a strong effect upon oxidation of tryptophan, tyrosine and cysteine was obtained. It was also found that tryptophan was more reactive than tyrosine with CPZ·+, a feature that could be related to the recently described favorable interaction between tryptophan and CPZ. The use of CPZ as a co-catalyst is discussed regarding its role in the efficient oxidation of tryptophan.
机译:长期使用氯丙嗪(CPZ)可能会导致严重的副作用。 CPZ的这种特性可能与氯丙嗪阳离子自由基(CPZ·+)的促氧化作用有关,而过氧化酶包括中性粒细胞髓过氧化物酶(MPO)和高铁血红蛋白很容易产生这种作用。为了理解CPZ·+对生物分子的假定生理作用,在这项工作中,我们研究了CPZ·+与氨基酸的反应性以及CPZ在辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)/氧化氨基酸过程中的共催化作用。 H2O2系统。我们还研究了天然血浆中的抗坏血酸,尿酸和亚硝酸盐成分是否可以抑制CPZ·+的氧化作用。我们发现色氨酸,酪氨酸和半胱氨酸很容易被纯CPZ·+氧化。其他氨基酸如蛋氨酸,甘氨酸,苯丙氨酸,天冬氨酸和赖氨酸没有反应性。尿酸,抗坏血酸和亚硝酸盐加剧了CPZ·+的分解,从而抑制了氨基酸的氧化。在使用HRP / H2O2并使用CPZ作为助催化剂的实验中,获得了对色氨酸,酪氨酸和半胱氨酸氧化的强大作用。还发现色氨酸比具有CPZ·+的酪氨酸更具反应性,该特征可能与最近描述的色氨酸与CPZ之间的良好相互作用有关。讨论了CPZ作为助催化剂在色氨酸有效氧化中的作用。



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