首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacology Research & Perspectives >A neuroligin‐1‐derived peptide stimulates phosphorylation of the NMDA receptor NR 1 subunit and rescues MK ‐801‐induced decrease in long‐term potentiation and memory impairment

A neuroligin‐1‐derived peptide stimulates phosphorylation of the NMDA receptor NR 1 subunit and rescues MK ‐801‐induced decrease in long‐term potentiation and memory impairment

机译:源自Neuroligin-1的肽刺激NMDA受体NR 1亚基的磷酸化并挽救MK 801引起的长期增强和记忆障碍的减少



Abstract Neuroligins (NLs) are postsynaptic adhesion molecules, interacting with presynaptic neurexins (NXs), which determine the differential formation of excitatory (glutamatergic, NL1) and inhibitory (GABAergic, NL2) synapses. We have previously demonstrated that treatment with a NL2‐derived peptide, neurolide‐2, reduces sociability and increase animal aggression. We hypothesized that interfering with NL1 function at the excitatory synapses might regulate synaptic plasticity and learning, and counteract memory deficits induced by N ‐methyl‐ d ‐aspartate (NMDA) receptor inhibition. First, neuronal NMDA receptor phosphorylation after treatment with NL1 or a mimetic peptide, neurolide‐1, was quantified by immunoblotting. Subsequently, we investigated effects of neurolide‐1 on long‐term potentiation (LTP) induction in hippocampal slices compromised by NMDA receptor inhibitor MK‐801. Finally, we investigated neurolide‐1 effects on short‐ and long‐term social and spatial memory in social recognition, Morris water‐maze, and Y‐maze tests. We found that subcutaneous neurolide‐1 administration, restored hippocampal LTP compromised by NMDA receptor inhibitor MK‐801. It counteracted MK‐801‐induced memory deficit in the water‐maze and Y‐maze tests after long‐term treatment (24 h and 1–2 h before the test), but not after short‐term exposure (1–2 h). Long‐term exposure to neurolide‐1 also facilitated social recognition memory. In addition, neurolide‐1‐induced phosphorylation of the NMDA receptor NR1 subunit on a site important for synaptic trafficking, potentially favoring synaptic receptor retention. Our findings emphasize the role of NL1–NMDA receptor interaction in cognition, and identify neurolide‐1, as a valuable pharmacological tool to examine the in vivo role of postsynaptic NL1 in cognitive behavior in physiological and pathological conditions. e00126.
机译:摘要Neuroligins(NLs)是突触后黏附分子,与突触前神经素(NXs)相互作用,决定兴奋性突触(谷氨酸能,NL1)和抑制性突触(GABAergic,NL2)的差异形成。先前我们已经证明,使用NL2衍生肽Neurolide-2进行治疗会降低社交能力并增加动物的攻击性。我们假设,在兴奋性突触中干扰NL1功能可能会调节突触可塑性和学习,并抵消N-甲基-d-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体抑制引起的记忆缺陷。首先,通过免疫印迹定量了NL1或模拟肽neurolide-1处理后神经元NMDA受体的磷酸化。随后,我们研究了神经内酯-1对受NMDA受体抑制剂MK-801损害的海马切片中长期增强(LTP)诱导的影响。最后,我们在社会认知,莫里斯水迷宫和Y迷宫测试中研究了神经内酯1对短期和长期社会和空间记忆的影响。我们发现皮下注射神经内酯-1可恢复受NMDA受体抑制剂MK-801损害的海马LTP。在长期治疗后(测试前24小时和1-2小时),它抵消了MK‐801在水迷宫和Y迷宫测试中引起的记忆力不足,但在短期暴露(1-2小时)后却没有。 。长期暴露于Neurolide-1也会促进社交识别记忆。此外,神经内酯-1诱导NMDA受体NR1亚基在突触运输重要部位的磷酸化,可能有利于突触受体保留。我们的发现强调了NL1-NMDA受体相互作用在认知中的作用,并确定了神经内酯-1是一种重要的药理学工具,可用于检查突触后NL1在生理和病理条件下在认知行为中的体内作用。 e00126。



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