首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira >Vascular injury in spontaneous subacute toxicosis caused by organic arsenic in cattle

Vascular injury in spontaneous subacute toxicosis caused by organic arsenic in cattle




ABSTRACT: Monosodium methanearsonate (MSMA) is an organic form of arsenic present in the formulations of some herbicides. Accidental ingestion of pasture contaminated with arsenic may lead to toxicosis in cattle. Almost 200 head of cattle maintained in an area sprayed with MSMA presented with intense diarrhea and dehydration after grazing. Subsequently, 16 of these animals died. Toxic levels of arsenic (>1.5????g/g) were detected in the kidney, liver, urine, and skeletal muscle of 6 animals. At gross inspection were observed multifocal to coalescent ulcers in the mucosa from on the forestomachs associated with hemorrhagic areas and marked wall edema. Microscopic examination mainly showed fibrinoid necrosis of vessels with multifocal thrombosis associated with ischemic infarction that were characterized by large transmural necrotic areas in the forestomachs. The clinical and pathological changes interestingly showed that this form of arsenic although considered less toxic, has caused severe vascular injury in forestomachs of cattle.
机译:摘要:甲烷磺酸钠(MSMA)是某些除草剂配方中存在的有机砷形式。意外摄入被砷污染的牧场可能导致牛中毒。将近200头牛饲养在MSMA喷洒区域,放牧后出现严重腹泻和脱水。随后,其中16只动物死亡。在6只动物的肾脏,肝脏,尿液和骨骼肌中检测到砷的毒性水平(> 1.5-/ g​​ / g)。在粗略检查中,观察到与出血区域和明显的壁水肿有关的前庭胃粘膜上的多灶性至合并性溃疡。显微镜检查主要显示血管纤维蛋白样坏死伴多灶性血栓形成并伴有缺血性梗死,其特征是前胃部有较大的透壁坏死区。有趣的是,临床和病理变化表明,这种形式的砷虽然被认为毒性较小,但已导致牛前胃部严重的血管损伤。



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