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Infec??o e enfermidade neurológica pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BHV-5): coelhos como modelo experimental




Rabbits are susceptible to bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BHV-5) infection and often develop an acute and fatal neurological disease upon intranasal inoculation. The kinetics of viral infection of the central nervous system (CNS) was investigated by testing serial brain sections for infectivity at intervals after virus inoculation. The virus was first detected in the main olfactory bulb at 48h, followed by the olfactory cortex at 48/72h. At 72/96h infectivity was also detected in the trigeminal ganglia, pons and cerebral cortex. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the role of the olfactory system in the invasion of the rabbits' CNS by BHV-5. In the first experiment, rabbits were inoculated with two BHV-5 isolates in the conjunctival sac. Rabbits inoculated by this route developed the neurological disease, yet with a reduced frequency and delayed clinical course. In a second experiment, twelve rabbits were submitted to surgical removal of the olfactory bulb and subsequently inoculated intranasally with BHV-5. Eleven out of 12 (91.6%) of the control rabbits developed the disease, against four out of 12 (33.3%) of the animals lacking the olfactory bulb. These results suggest that the olfactory system is the main pathway utilized by BHV-5 to reach the CNS of rabbits after intranasal inoculation. Nevertheless, the development of neurological infection in rabbits inoculated in the conjunctival sac and in rabbits lacking the olfactory bulb indicate that BHV-5 may utilize an alternative route to invade the CNS, probably the sensory and autonomic fibers of the trigeminal nerve. The effects of immunization with homologous (BHV-5) and heterologous (BHV-1) strains in prevention of neurological disease by BHV-5 were investigated. Five out of 10 rabbits (50%) immunized with BHV-5 showed mild and transient neurological signs and one died upon challenge. Interestingly, the degree of protection against BHV-5 challenge was higher in rabbits immunized with BHV-1: only two rabbits showed transient neurological signs and subsequently recovered. Thus, prevention of neurological disease by BHV-5 in rabbits may be achieved by immunization with either BHV-5 or BHV-1, likely reflecting the extensive serological cross-reactivity between these viruses. Further studies in rabbits may help in understanding the pathogenesis and immune response to BHV-5 infection.
机译:兔子容易感染5型牛疱疹病毒(BHV-5),并且在鼻内接种后常常会发展成急性和致命的神经系统疾病。通过在病毒接种后的间隔测试连续脑切片的感染性,研究了中枢神经系统(CNS)病毒感染的动力学。在第48h在主要嗅球中首先检测到该病毒,然后在第48 / 72h在嗅皮层中检测到该病毒。在72 / 96h,在三叉神经节,脑桥和大脑皮层中也检测到传染性。进行了两个实验,以研究嗅觉系统在BHV-5侵袭兔CNS中的作用。在第一个实验中,兔子在结膜囊中接种了两种BHV-5分离株。通过这种途径接种的兔子会发展为神经系统疾病,但频率降低且临床病程延迟。在第二个实验中,对十二只兔子进行了嗅球的手术切除,然后在鼻内接种了BHV-5。对照组兔子中有十二只(91.6%)患上这种疾病,而缺乏嗅球的动物中有十二只(43.3%)患有这种疾病。这些结果表明,嗅觉系统是BHV-5鼻内接种后到达兔CNS的主要途径。然而,在结膜囊中接种的兔子和缺乏嗅球的兔子中神经感染的发展表明,BHV-5可能利用另一种途径侵入中枢神经系统,可能是三叉神经的感觉和自主神经。研究了用BHV-5同源(BHV-5)和异源(BHV-1)菌株免疫预防神经疾病的效果。用BHV-5免疫的10只兔子中有5只(50%)表现出轻度和短暂的神经系统症状,攻击后死亡1只。有趣的是,用BHV-1免疫的兔子对BHV-5攻击的保护程度更高:只有两只兔子表现出短暂的神经系统症状并随后康复。因此,可以通过用BHV-5或BHV-1进行免疫来预防兔BHV-5引起的神经系统疾病,这可能反映了这些病毒之间广泛的血清学交叉反应性。对兔子的进一步研究可能有助于了解BHV-5感染的发病机理和免疫应答。



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