首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics >Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome: diagnostic and management challenges

Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome: diagnostic and management challenges




Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) is a rare genetic disorder with failure of central control of breathing and of the autonomic nervous system function due to a mutation in the paired-like homeobox 2B (PHOX2B) gene. Affected patients have absent or negligible ventilatory sensitivity to hypercapnia and hypoxemia, and they do not exhibit signs of respiratory distress when challenged with hypercarbia or hypoxia. The diagnosis of CCHS must be confirmed with PHOX2B gene mutation. Generally, the PHOX2B mutation genotype can aid in anticipating the severity of the phenotype. They require ventilatory support for life. Home assisted ventilation options include positive pressure ventilation via tracheostomy, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation, and diaphragm pacing via phrenic nerve stimulation, but each strategy has its associated limitations and challenges. Since all the clinical manifestations of CCHS may not manifest at birth, periodic monitoring and early intervention are necessary to prevent complications and improve outcome. Life-threatening arrhythmias can manifest at different ages and a normal cardiac monitoring study does not exclude future occurrences leading to the dilemma of timing and frequency of cardiac rhythm monitoring and treatment. Given the rare incidence of CCHS, most health care professionals are not experienced with managing CCHS patients, particularly those with diaphragm pacers. With early diagnosis and advances in home mechanical ventilation and monitoring strategies, many CCHS children are surviving into adulthood presenting new challenges in their care.
机译:先天性中枢通气不足综合征(CCHS)是一种罕见的遗传性疾病,由于配对类同源异型盒2B(PHOX2B)基因发生突变,导致呼吸中枢控制和自主神经系统功能丧失。受影响的患者对高碳酸血症和低氧血症的通气敏感性缺乏或可忽略不计,并且在受到高碳酸血症或低氧的挑战时,没有表现出呼吸窘迫的迹象。 CCHS的诊断必须通过PHOX2B基因突变来确认。通常,PHOX2B突变基因型可以帮助预期表型的严重性。他们需要通气的生命支持。家庭辅助通气选择包括通过气管切开术进行正压通气,无创正压通气和通过神经刺激进行diaphragm肌起搏,但是每种策略都有其相关的局限性和挑战。由于CCHS的所有临床表现可能并非在出生时就表现出来,因此有必要进行定期监测和早期干预,以预防并发症和改善预后。威胁生命的心律失常可能出现在不同的年龄,并且正常的心脏监测研究并未排除未来发生的情况,从而导致心脏节律监测和治疗的时机和频率两难。由于CCHS的发病率极低,因此大多数医疗保健专业人员都没有处理CCHS患者的经验,尤其是那些使用隔膜起搏器的患者。随着早期诊断的发展以及家庭机械通气和监测策略的发展,许多CCHS儿童正在成年后生存,这给他们的护理带来了新的挑战。



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