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The patient patient: The importance of knowing your navigator




In Ontario, Diagnostic Assessment Programs (DAPs) have been implemented to improve the quality of care patients receive during the diagnostic phase of the cancer journey. Patient navigators play a critical role in this model by coordinating care and providing information and support to patients and their families. The objectives of this study were 1) to determine whether patient navigation in DAPs is associated with a better patient experience and 2) to examine whether patient navigation in DAPs modifies the effect of wait times and patient volumes on patient experience. Data reflecting patients’ experience within the DAP were collected via survey and an average experience score was calculated for each region. To ascertain the relationship between patient experience, wait times and volumes, correlation coefficients were computed between regional patient experience scores and total regional patient volumes and between regional patient experience score and regional diagnostic wait times. To understand the impact of navigators on the patient experience, the sample was subdivided according to whether or not the respondent reported knowing their navigator. Patients who knew their navigator rated their experience significantly better than those who did not. For those who did not know their navigator, there was an inverse and significant correlation between patient experience scores and wait times; patients in regions with long waits had poorer experience scores overall. Patients who knew their navigator reported consistently good experience regardless of their diagnostic wait. The navigator appears to mitigate the negative impact of longer wait times on experience.
机译:在安大略省,已经实施了诊断评估计划(DAP),以提高患者在癌症旅程的诊断阶段所接受的护理质量。病人导航员通过协调护理并为病人及其家人提供信息和支持,在该模型中扮演着至关重要的角色。这项研究的目的是1)确定DAP中的患者导航是否与更好的患者体验相关; 2)检查DAP中的患者导航是否改变了等待时间和患者数量对患者体验的影响。通过调查收集了反映DAP中患者经验的数据,并计算了每个区域的平均经验得分。为了确定患者体验,等待时间和数量之间的关系,计算区域患者体验得分与总区域患者数量之间以及区域患者体验得分与区域诊断等待时间之间的相关系数。为了了解导航员对患者体验的影响,根据受访者是否报告知道他们的导航员来对样本进行细分。知道他们的导航员的患者对他们的经历的评价比不知道他们的患者要好得多。对于那些不了解他们的导航仪的人,患者体验得分与等待时间之间存在反比和显着相关性。等待时间长的地区的患者总体经验得分较差。知道他们的导航仪的患者报告了始终如一的良好经验,而无需进行诊断等待。导航器似乎减轻了较长等待时间对体验的负面影响。



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