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A new immigrant mustelid (Carnivora, Mammalia) from the middle Miocene Temblor Formation of central California - eScholarship




A new mustelid genus from the Barstovian (middle Miocene) marine Temblor Formation in California is described. The material of Legionarictis fortidens includes an incomplete cranium with partial upper dentition. The straight lingual border and slightly expanded posterointernal cingulum of M1 are plesiomorphic traits, as in the European Dehmictis. However, the M1 is not as posteriorly expanded, and the P4 does not have a lingual hypoconal crest, differentiating L. fortidens from younger North American forms. Furthermore, the P4 protocone is posteriorly placed from the parastyle crest, as in the extant South American Eira. An autapomorphic feature of L. fortidens is its highly hypertrophied P4 paracone with a bulbous crown. The robust upper carnassial, very strong development of the sagittal crest, and derived enamel microstructure all suggest a hard food component in its diet. The coastal depositional environment indicated by the presence of marine taxa in the Temblor Formation suggests that hard shelled invertebrates might have been a food source of L. fortidens. A combination of plesiomorphic and derived dental characteristics puts the new form at an evolutionary stage basal to otters and closer to the living Eira. Cladistic analysis of craniodental characters suggests that L. fortidens is more derived than generalized basal mustelines of the Old World, and may have diverged from the lutrine lineage in a separate immigration event to the New World.
机译:描述了一种来自加利福尼亚的巴斯托维亚(中新世中部)海洋滕布尔组的新鼬类。 Legionarictis fortidens的材料包括一个不完整的颅骨和部分上牙。像欧洲Dehmictis一样,M1的笔直的语言边界和稍微扩展的后内侧扣带是多形性状。但是,M1没有向后扩展,而P4没有舌下圆锥形的波峰,因此,福特乳杆菌与较年轻的北美形式有所区别。此外,如现存的南美Eira一样,P4原型圆锥体从副式波峰向后放置。 Fortidens的一个共形特征是其高度肥大的P4圆锥形球茎。健壮的上鼻甲,矢状rest非常强烈的发育以及衍生的釉质微结构均表明其饮食中含有硬质食物成分。 Temblor地层中存在海洋分类单元表明沿海沉积环境表明,硬壳无脊椎动物可能是Fortidens的食物来源。水体形态和衍生牙齿特征的结合,使新形式处于水獭基础的进化阶段,并且更接近活着的Eira。对颅牙特征进行的克拉德式分析表明,福氏乳杆菌比旧大陆的广义基础芥子碱更易衍生,并且可能在另一场移民事件中从黄嘌呤谱系分化为新大陆。



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