首页> 外文期刊>Sustainable environment research >Bioremediation capability and characterization of bacteria isolated from petroleum contaminated soils in Iran

Bioremediation capability and characterization of bacteria isolated from petroleum contaminated soils in Iran




This study was carried out to isolate bacteria for bioremediation of petroleum polluted soils. Five samples were used for isolation in this study. They were four soil samples in addition to one kerosene sample. The soil samples including soils contaminated by crude oil and gas oil and two soil samples with no outward contamination which were collected from Shiraz Oil Refinery sites. Seven strains were selected among the isolated colonies for further experiments. The selected isolates were cultured in standard succinate medium (SSM) minimal medium in which 2.5% v/v kerosene was used as carbon source. In another bacterial SSM culture, carbon, sulfur or nitrogen source was removed and 20% v/v kerosene added to check the ability of isolates to utilizekerosene as sole source for C, N and S. Finally, cultures of four strains with higher growth in modified SSM cultures were selected for GC analysis. In this study they were named C2 and C4 which were isolated from crude oil contaminated soil and SI1 and SI2 isolated from soils with no outward contamination. GC analysis showed that C2 could degrade 69% of 5% v/v kerosene in 7?d, while C4 and SI1 degraded 48% and 42% of 5% v/v kerosene during this 7-d period respectively, and the degradation ability of SI2 was 38% after 7?d. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene showed that C2 was close to Citrobacter sedlakii , C4 and SI1 were related to Entrobacter hormeachei and SI2 was close to Entrobacter cloacae , respectively.
机译:进行这项研究以分离用于生物修复石油污染土壤的细菌。在这项研究中使用了五个样品进行分离。除了一个煤油样品外,它们是四个土壤样品。从设拉子炼油厂现场收集的土壤样品包括被原油和瓦斯油污染的土壤以及两个没有外部污染的土壤样品。从分离的菌落中选择了七个菌株用于进一步的实验。在标准的琥珀酸盐培养基(SSM)基本培养基中培养所选分离株,其中2.5%v / v煤油用作碳源。在另一种细菌SSM培养物中,去除了碳,硫或氮源,并添加了20%v / v煤油,以检查分离株利用煤油作为C,N和S唯一来源的能力。选择改良的SSM培养物进行GC分析。在这项研究中,它们被命名为C2和C4,它们是从原油污染的土壤中分离出来的,而SI1和SI2是从没有外部污染的土壤中分离出来的。 GC分析表明,在7d内C2可以降解5%v / v煤油的69%,而C4和SI1在此7d时间内分别降解5%v / v煤油的48%和42%。 7 d后,SI2的比例为38%。对16S rRNA基因的分析表明,C2分别接近sedlakii柠檬酸杆菌,C4和SI1分别与hormoachei肠杆菌有关,SI2与阴沟肠杆菌接近。



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