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Did the call for boycott by the Catholic bishops affect the polio vaccination coverage in Kenya in 2015? A cross-sectional study




Introduction: Polio eradication is now feasible after removal of Nigeria from the list of endemic countries and global reduction of cases of wild polio virus in 2015 by more than 80%. However, all countries must remain focused to achieve eradication. In August 2015, the Catholic bishops in Kenya called for boycott of a polio vaccination campaign citing safety concerns with the polio vaccine. We conducted a survey to establish if the coverage was affected by the boycott. Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted in all the 32 counties that participated in the campaign. A total of 90,157 children and 37,732 parents/guardians were sampled to determine the vaccination coverage and reasons for missed vaccination. Results: The national vaccination coverage was 93% compared to 94% in the November 2014 campaign. The proportion of parents/guardians that belonged to Catholic Church was 31% compared to 7% of the children who were missed. Reasons for missed vaccination included house not being visited (44%), children not being at home at time of visit (38%), refusal by parents (12%), children being asleep (1%), and various other reasons (5%). Compared to the November 2014 campaign, the proportion of children who were not vaccinated due to parent’s refusal significantly increased from 6% to 12% in August 2015. Conclusion: The call for boycott did not affect the campaign significantly. However, if the call for boycott is repeated in future it could have some significant negative implication to polio eradication. It is therefore important to ensure that any vaccine safety issues are addressed accordingly. Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 24
机译:简介:根除脊髓灰质炎之后,将尼日利亚从流行国家名单中删除,2015年全球减少脊髓灰质炎病毒病例减少80%以上是可行的。但是,所有国家必须继续集中精力实现根除。 2015年8月,肯尼亚的天主教主教以小儿麻痹症疫苗的安全性为由,呼吁抵制小儿麻痹症疫苗接种运动。我们进行了一项调查,以确定覆盖范围是否受到抵制的影响。方法:在参与该运动的所有32个县中进行了横断面调查。总共对90,157名儿童和37,732名父母/监护人进行了抽样调查,以确定疫苗接种的范围以及错过疫苗接种的原因。结果:全国疫苗接种率为93%,而2014年11月的疫苗接种率为94%。属于天主教会的父母/监护人比例为31%,而失踪儿童的比例为7%。错过疫苗接种的原因包括没有去看房(44%),来访时未在家的孩子(38%),父母拒绝(12%),孩子入睡(1%)以及其他各种原因(5 %)。与2014年11月的竞选活动相比,由于父母拒绝而未接种疫苗的儿童比例从6%大幅上升至2015年8月的12%。结论:抵制的呼吁并未对该运动产生重大影响。但是,如果将来再次提出抵制的呼吁,可能会对消灭小儿麻痹症产生重大的负面影响。因此,重要的是要确保相应地解决任何疫苗安全性问题。泛非医学杂志2016; 24



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