首页> 外文期刊>Surgical Science >Epitheloid Leiomyosarcoma of the Jejunum Presenting with Intussusception in a Young Adult Male: A Case Report

Epitheloid Leiomyosarcoma of the Jejunum Presenting with Intussusception in a Young Adult Male: A Case Report




A 27-year-old male presented with intestinal obstruction due to a jejuno-jejunal intussusception, 23 years after a childhood nasopharyngeal carcinoma. He was successfully treated for the latter by radiotherapy but subsequently required a mandibuloplasty for presumably facial hypoplasia sequel to the radiotherapy. The present intussusception was resected with wide margins revealing a partly haemorrhagic, polypoid and sessile jejunal tumour measuring 7.7 × 3.5 × 2.6 cm. Microscopy with extensive immunohistochemical studies revealed a relatively rare and highly malignant epitheloid leiomyosarcoma arising from the muscularis propria with extension to the mucosa and serosa. No metastases were found and post-operative follow-up has so far been uneventful. The present case of a malignant tumour presenting as an intussusception in a young adult, was unrelated to a childhood malignant tumour in the same patient. The former was successfully treated by a wide excision in support of the advocated surgical approach to adult intussusception.
机译:儿童期鼻咽癌发生23年后,一名27岁男性因空肠-空肠套叠而出现肠梗阻。他已通过放射疗法成功治疗了后者,但随后因放射疗法的面部发育不全而需要进行下颌骨成形术。切除目前的肠套叠,切开较大的边缘,发现部分出血,息肉样和无梗的空肠肿瘤尺寸为7.7×3.5×2.6 cm。显微镜下进行了广泛的免疫组化研究,发现由固有肌层延伸至粘膜和浆膜引起的一种相对罕见且高度恶性的上皮平滑肌肉瘤。未发现转移灶,术后随访至今无异常。在年轻成年人中表现为肠套叠的恶性肿瘤与本例中儿童期恶性肿瘤无关。前者已通过广泛的切除术成功治疗,以支持提倡的成人肠套叠手术方法。



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