首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >New Trends in the Approach to Borderland Literatures. The Marketplace as a Meeting Point (19th-20th Century)

New Trends in the Approach to Borderland Literatures. The Marketplace as a Meeting Point (19th-20th Century)




Issues connected with the borderlands of imperial or national states and cultures, with the “frontier” society or with overlapping cultures and historical memories have been discussed in depth by scholars of historical, political and social sciences. In literature, mainly in the Slavic areas, the problem has only just come to the fore. Two important books have been published recently, one in in the usa, the other in Ukraine. A. Glaser sees the “marketplace” as the real and metaphorical chronotope of a multifaceted society which lived and produced real chef-d’oeuvres in the borderlands of the Russian Empire. Some typological analogies may be found in a book publihed in L’viv about the “many literatures” in the Galician lands of the Hapsburg Empire. The A. presents the main topics discusssed in these two books and underlines the need to broaden research in this field.
机译:历史,政治和社会科学学者深入讨论了与帝国或民族国家和文化的边境地区,“边疆”社会或重叠的文化和历史记忆有关的问题。在文学中,主要在斯拉夫地区,这个问题才刚刚浮出水面。最近出版了两本重要的书,一本在美国,另一本在乌克兰。答:格拉瑟(A. Glaser)将“市场”视为一个多面社会的真实且隐喻的记时记,该社会在俄罗斯帝国的边境地区生活和生产着真正的厨师长。在拉维夫(L'viv)出版的一本关于哈普斯堡帝国加利西亚土地上的“许多文学”的书中,可以找到一些类型学上的类比。 A.介绍了这两本书中讨论的主要主题,并强调了扩大该领域研究的必要性。



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